Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mother's Day

I've been horribly absent from blogging in recent weeks.  And there's no good excuse.  But it's time to get back on track, especially with a whole lot of exciting things going on here lately.

I'm sorry to say that it took us until after tub time when these two little munchkins were all cleaned up and in their pajamas until we got our annual Mother's Day photo this year.  But I had a very special Mother's Day- complete with church, a visit from Nana and Pap that the kids loved, and a whole bunch of love from the kids.  Joshua was especially sweet, hiding his special Mother's Day present that he worked on at school under his bed from Friday until Sunday morning.  He only told me about it 200 times between Friday and Sunday morning, but insisted that we keep it a secret.  He did proudly remember on his own on Sunday morning to bring it to me when he woke up. 

Suffice it to say that, although I have a full time job, there is no responsibility I have ever had that I love more than being Mommy to these two precious kids.  But I know I'm not alone in feeling that way.  Every Mom I've ever met feels exactly the same way.  And that, my friends, is the beauty of Motherhood.

Happy Mother's Day everyone.

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