Everyone in my office knows that when Judy calls on the phone, it's generally not good news. She does such a great job taking care of the kids while I'm at work that it's rare for the phone to ring with a question or situation from home that needs my attention. Generally speaking, something has either broken at the house or one of the kids is sick or hurt. So when I hear that she's calling, I immediately drop everything and say a quick prayer that it's nothing serious.
It happened this morning. I was chatting with an Agent friend and mid-story had to jump off the phone because Grandma was calling for me.
When I got on the phone, I heard that Lauren needed me because she had to tell me something.
She peed on the potty. That was her first time, despite countless times that she has attempted. Usually she just sits there, tapping her bare feet on the floor after having stripped every ounce of clothing off of her body. Apparently the girl can't pee with a shirt on (or socks, or pants around her ankles). She sits on the potty a lot- with every diaper change she needs to give it a shot, before she gets dressed in the morning and before her tub at night. And usually a few times in between. But it appears the timing was just right today on two occasions and she's learning what it feels like to do it on purpose. It is nothing I have pushed, with either of the kids, because after Joshua's 24 hour potty training episode just before he turned 3 where he literally got it down in one day of running around without pants on, I realized that these things tend to happen on their time, despite our own desires to drive the process according to our time schedule. I just figured I have a whole lot of other things to get aggravated about that I'm surely not about to give myself some artificial time table to stress over. The world hands me plenty of those without creating any extra.
I know we have a slooooooooow learning process ahead of us, but dare I dream that I might get my wish yet again of having only one in diapers at a time? A lofty goal, I know...but I'm going out on a limb and saying out loud that I hope it comes true.
Trust me when I say I'm not rushing this baby to big girl transition, but it's happening right before my eyes. Way to go Lauren! We're so proud of you!
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