It's a really good thing we didn't have plans for the long holiday weekend. I had an air of confidence about me on Friday afternoon because I felt 'ahead of the game' for once in a very long time. My to-do list was getting things crossed off of it--- and I love when I hit my stride like that. I had visions of a great, relaxing weekend. If you sense some foreshadowing here, you're completely right.
As I was leaving the grocery store, earlier than usual, in an attempt to get home to relieve Grandma after two very early mornings this week, my phone rang. And if you've read the post below, this is not generally a good thing. And this was no "pee in the potty" celebration call. Joshua, it seemed, wasn't feeling well.
Sunday morning it struck Lauren. She was pretty miserable and assumed Joshua's "in my lap" position for most of the day. We did manage to do a few craft projects just for a change of scenery and positioning. I guess whether you're almost 2 or 33 doesn't really matter. There is only so much Mickey Mouse Clubhouse you can watch before you start to lose it.
Things improved a bit on Monday although no one was well enough to go anywhere or do anything exciting. And the buckets of rain that were falling outside didn't help the mood. So day 4 of house arrest brought more TV, more playtime, lots of towers built and some baking. Joshua was a great banana smasher for our banana bread and he was quite proud to partake in the finished product as well.
On the list of positives is that I began the work week totally caught up on household chores. That hardly ever happens, but always makes me happy when it does. I also caught up to the rest of the free world and finished reading "The Help". And I definitely enjoyed it. Now to find a free two hour span to go to the movies and see the movie version.
We certainly hope your Labor Day weekend turned out a little better than ours--- with no sick kids and some out of the house time!
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