Thursday, November 10, 2011

A change of scenery...

The goal in our house this past weekend was to keep quiet so that Daddy could do some serious studying.  He has a big exam coming up next week and needs some time to pound the information into his head.  Suffice it to say that there are two small children, one dog and one Mommy who don't always make that easy.  Not on purpose, of course, but it's just par for the course with our crew.  So despite the fact that I wasn't feeling particularly energetic, the kids and I took off for a few adventures on Saturday to give Daddy the time that he needed.

We all could use a change of scenery. 

We started off at the library.  I feel like a horrible mother, but I believe Lauren hasn't been there since I had her there in the carrier the winter after she was born.  And for anyone keeping track, we're talking well over a year and a half.  Joshua still loves to read, but our collection has grown at home to the point of a small library, so frequent trips aren't necessary.  But they both had a blast picking out a stack of books to read, and we've been enjoying them in the evenings after tubs.

After that, we headed to Subway and got some lunch.  To my kids, Subway=major treat, so they loved it and gobbled up their sandwiches.  Then we headed to the park.

I don't know why I always come up with this idea at the same time as half of the free world, but let's just say we weren't the only ones soaking up the fall sunshine and relatively warm temperatures at the park.  But the kids were running and climbing and sliding and squealing and generally having a ball.  So much so that we were there for 2+ hours without so much as a single tear, temper tantrum or bad listening episode.  Perhaps because I had told them in no uncertain terms that any of those would result in an immediate end to their park experience.  I'll have to remember how well that worked.

Once we returned, it was Penn State football time and nearly supper time, so we tucked in for the afternoon and evening at home.  Daddy was sick of studying anyway.  Which is good because all manner of silliness ensued.  Nana had picked out some dress up costumes for Joshua's birthday, and they were a huge hit!  One is a doctor's coat and the other is a chef's outfit.  They both use them and switch out the parts and turn them into all sorts of things.  Here was Lauren's get-up at one point.  She makes me laugh so hard!

And I love her look in this one.  As in, "Josh, you're strange."  These two are something else for certain.

It has been a wild week.  I have a few new ultrasound pictures of the new baby that were taken on Tuesday, so I'll hope to share them tomorrow.  With less than 9 weeks to go, things are kicking into high preparation gear in baby land.

More soon!

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