Monday, January 16, 2012

My last "lazy" day.

Life has been pretty good around here for the past week and a half.  With Jason home from work all of last week and today for the market holiday, we've managed to get into a groove here.  Just in time for him to return to work tomorrow and allow us an opportunity to do it again.  There has been a whole lot of play time for Joshua and Lauren with their Daddy- including some DS time for Joshua and the purchase of a new Kinect system that we all quite enjoyed this weekend.  (I'm pretty sure that playing beach volleyball with Joshua wasn't on my post-op instructions from Dr. Miller....especially not the jumping that I was doing to spike the ball...but it was fun anyway.)  I'm only glad that we didn't have this when I was still so sore- because the way we were all laughing at each other would have hurt BIG TIME!

So today I'm enjoying my last day with Daddy home.  It's the last day for a very long time that I won't have to rush to beat the roosters awake and out of the shower in the morning to get Joshua ready for school on a set schedule, as well as work in feedings and pumping and Lauren's needs.  So today, I slept in until 6:45...a luxury I won't see for a while after today.  It was 9:30 until I got in the shower.  Won't be able to do that for a while either.  But today I could, and I did.  And it was wonderful.

The last few days have been so great.  On Friday night, the Mowry's did all of our spirits some good and came to join us for supper.  The kids were so excited to see their kids that it was as if they had been cooped up without any human contact their entire lives.  When they saw their car driving up the street from the kitchen window, they squealed and ran to the door to let them in.  They treated us to a very yummy dinner that everyone loved, as well as the company that we all needed.  I remember packing up a meal to drop off at their house after Kinley's arrival and I thought Emily was nuts for asking me to bring the whole clan along for a change of scenery for their crew.  And I didn't totally understand her reasoning until this past Friday when I nearly begged her to do the same for us.  We are not a family who stays inside for a week plus, and although we've really enjoyed being home as a family, it was really nice to have them here.

 At one point while we were cleaning up after supper, I looked into the living room to see all six......SIX......of our collective chlidren playing.  And I think it was at that point that I realized that we all of a sudden have a mess of children between our two families.  But what a good looking crew they are.  McKenna declared that Mara was like a little baby doll, and even though her own baby sister was as tiny as Mara just a few short months ago, McKenna proved the theory that you really do forget how tiny they are even though you try your hardest not to.  She was an excellent baby holder!

And here's one of just the girls.  So sweet.  Lauren insisted on holding Kinley.  Luckily, Kinley didn't put up too much of a fight.

Saturday brought a visit from Grandma and Grandpa that we all really enjoyed.  Although Grandma gets lots of time with the kids during the week, Grandpa doesn't have the same advantage and enjoyed some snuggle time with Mara.  She was looking smashing in her "Mara" gown.  Wish my picture would have shown the embroidery a little better.

Sunday morning was exciting, because we got everyone up and out the door in time to go to church.  I was so excited to get back after having missed last week for obvious reasons.  It was good for the kids to keep their routine as normal as possible, and really, the sooner we figure out how to get out of the house as a five-some, the better.  It's not like we're going to be letting any grass grow under our feet as a normal rule.  Mara did awesome during church.  In fact, she didn't even open her eyes the whole time, and I managed to get her a bottle during the service so we didn't even have the interruption of heading to the nursery mid stream.  It was great to be there and introduce Mara to so many people who had prayed for her during our pregnancy.  What a special church family we belong to.

After church, Nana and Pap came for a visit and got some play time in with the big kids and some cuddling time in with the baby.  Pap won the prize because he managed (somehow) to get Lauren to sleep.  She was snoring in his arms while Joshua was demonstrating the Kinect, and took a monster nap that was desperately needed.  Joshua loved having some visiting time with them, and I think Mara and the rest of us did too. 

Just for comic relief, here was my view of Lauren the other morning when I turned around from my laptop.  No pants.

And here's my newest favorite picture of the littlest one.  Sweet as can be.  On tap for today, unfortunately, is her first trip to the pediatrician, a few days early because she seems to have developed an eye problem over the last day or so.  She has a very yellow, goopy eye that needs to be looked at.  And since we're so close to her 2 week checkup originally scheduled for Thursday, they decided they could do that today as well.  So we'll see how we make out.

Sorry for the loaded, disjointed post, but at least you're up to date and have some cute pictures to enjoy.  More to come!

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