My frustration with Blogger continues, as none of the children are the color they appear in these photos. And no combination of camera, cord and computer seems to make a difference. I honestly have no earthly idea what to do about this. But I wanted to post because I've been so lacking lately.
Truth be told, although we haven't been doing anything wild, the days fly by in a flash around here. It literally takes all morning to get the girls up and dressed, Mara fed and the van packed to pick Joshua up at 11. Add in there starting a load of wash (that I have determined must be done daily or else I drown in it) and the morning is shot. From 11:30-12:30 is a good window of time since Mara usually falls asleep in her carseat on the way home from school. But it is quickly filled with getting the big kids their lunch, doing one thing on my to do list and changing the clothes to the dryer and she's awake and hungry again. The afternoons consist of refereeing Josh and Lauren as they fight their way through the transition to playing more independently with each other instead of a grown up since Mara wants to eat at least every 2 hrs through the afternoon and evening, and that may be generous. Sometimes it's more like....constantly. And then it's dinner time, followed by the rush of feeding the baby, tubbing/showering the big kids, feeding the baby and feeding the baby.
We made our first trip to Lewistown this past weekend and Mara got to meet lots of her family there. I have pictures, but I'll keep working on figuring out this photo issue and try again soon.
More soon, I hope.
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