Hello from the land where time absolutely flies by! I find myself with a few moments this afternoon and thought I should update with some new photos and the latest of things around here.
This past week marked my return to the office all five days. I was blessed with a nice leave from the office, even though I was on email daily and in the office at least one day each week. But it was time to get back. Making the transition slightly easier was the fact that due to a Grandma injury, Mara needed to come with me. I loved having her with me this week, but I believe I only got slightly more done at the office than I could have at home. Mara was a dream baby in the office, but she still requires frequent feedings and doesn't like to be ignored. Our hardest times seemed to be when I was talking on the phone and not to her. She made her displeasure known to all involved.
Suffice it to say that a return to the office means I am totally swamped in laundry and had quite a list of things that needed to be done here this weekend. The blessing (and curse) of being home for the past couple of months meant that I could do some each day. Now I have to figure out how to best use the few hours I get at home each day to accomplish what needs to be done for meals, laundry and cleaning. I know we'll find our rhythm before we starve or start living in filth. But we haven't quite gotten to the easy rhythm yet. Mara stays with me the first part of next week, but then will start staying here with Grandma and the big kids as soon as Grandma is able to care for her.
We spent the last week of my leave doing lots of fun things. Lots of smiling and cooing for the baby. A few picnics on the living room floor for the big kids. I'm not sure why, but serving them their lunch "picnic style" makes them eat it better. We did a lot of this over the past 15 weeks. And we even dodged rain showers and ventured to the park last Saturday afternoon. We were there for 2 hours and they still cried when it was time to come home. No pictures of Mara because she was tucked into the Moby wrap, snuggled in for a nap. God bless the inventors of that thing! We have certainly gotten our $50 worth out of that, with no end in sight.
In Mara's weight situation, she appears to be doing some gaining in recent days. In fact, I suspect we may cross the 10 lb mark this weekend. And I'll probably do some cartwheels. She is taking less and less formula- sometimes none and usually a max of 3-4 oz a day. She seems to nurse until she is content and then quits, not wanting any more formula supplementation. Her spitting up seems to be lessening, and in my opinion, this is probably what is leading to her weight gain. Her doctors kept telling me they wouldn't medicate her spitting up, but it seemed to us that that might have been the culprit in her slow gaining. We'll see what the doctors say when we go back early in May for her 4 month checkup. Her sleeping is totally ruined. My sleep through the night baby is now back to the pattern I'm used to- up every 3 hours and slow to go back to sleep. But this too shall pass.....eventually. And, something to celebrate, she rolled from her belly to her back on Thursday. This baby detests being on her belly, so despite the fact that she is showing little determination in the rolling over department, she did expend the energy in order to get herself out of tummy time. She can get to her side from her back, but hasn't shown an interest in rolling all the way over.
So that's what's new here. Hope to post again soon!
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