At the risk of overload, I decided to combine a few posts into one tonight. It's like Christmas. More Dugans than you can take all at once. But I'm learning my limitations, and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that there was no way I would be able to be hands free long enough tonight to do three separate posts. So, hang on...
Today is Mara's 6 month birthday. To say I wonder where the time has gone would be a huge understatement. Honestly, I can hardly imagine that it was 6 months ago this evening that I was making frantic calls and text messages to let people know that Miss Mara was coming a week before her scheduled debut. And then, on the other hand, it's hard to imagine that there was ever life without her.
Mara continues to be such a joy. She has taken a bit of a turn into the "Mommy crazy" department in recent weeks, but as I recall from our first two rodeos, this is about the age when that starts to happen. And so, she is my velcro baby, always attached to me, whether she is eating or just coming along for the ride. Many times, I find it maddening to have to do everything one handed---- everything. But mostly I'm just so happy that I don't care that it takes me 4 days to fold a load of laundry. And I'm not exaggerating.
Mara is a decent sleeper, as long as she is in her miracle blanket. I usually put her into her crib by 9:30 and she has been sleeping (Lord, please don't let me jinx us by saying this out loud) until between 3-4 am until she wants to eat again. Usually I can get her back into her bed within an hour and catch a few minutes of sleep before it is time to get up for the day. She is still nursing 6-7 times a day, and isn't supplemented with formula anymore at all. My guess is that she weighs around 12.5 lb (not quite to the double birth weight that they want to see), but we'll confirm that next week at her doctor's appointment.
Mara loves her cereal and eats either rice or oatmeal cereal two times a day. She gobbles it up and then kicks her legs and arms asking for more. Just tonight, she got to try some carrots for the first time (the big kids picked which veggie they thought she would like). The verdict was pretty good- she probably had a full tablespoon without too much protest. We have just moved into size 2 diapers and she is still wearing 3 month clothes. The length is going to get us before the waist measurements. Luckily with summer sunsuits and shorts, we're in decent shape for a while.
Mara is a rolling champ and loves her exersaucer. She has recently started to be able to sit up with the boppy around her, and is enjoying playing with teething toys and rattles. She is a chewer for sure- loving to chew fingers, phones, anything she can get her hands on. I often say she's like an octopus, grabbing things from my hands without me even knowing it. Frustrating at times, but all part of the development I'm sure.
Sweet as ever, and such a blessing to us. Happy half birthday, sweet girl. I couldn't possibly tell you how much I love you and love getting to be your Mommy. But I'll spend the rest of my days trying to show you.
One of our favorite Lewisburg traditions happened this past weekend as we joined the Mowry crew and some other friends at the Lewisburg 4th of July parade. This year was extra special because Daddy got to join us. Here is 1/2 of the gang...
We had a great time, the kids ate about 16 lbs of candy and had their patriotic fill by the end of the parade.
Then, on Sunday morning, we barely squeezed everything into the van for what has become an annual trip to Benezette with my family. How Jason made it all fit is a miracle. 2.5 hrs later we were pulling in to the Winslow Meadow Lodge for some mountain fun and relaxation. We saw a bear almost immediately upon arrival but no elk, which I am sure is a direct result of the noise level that 4 small children create. We swam, did crafts, chased each other around the deck, made campfires, walked the trails at the new Visitors Center, ate too much, had slumber parties in the living room and laughed a whole bunch. It was wonderful. We are all already looking forward to the October PSU weekend we have planned there.
So many special memories -- and we still have half of summer left!
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