Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Medic! And the Tuesday report.

Sometimes, it seems, I have no blog material.  But that hasn't been the case lately.

I have to share a funny story from Sunday evening.  Actually, parts are funny and the main reason for there being a story to tell in the first place, not so much.  I had a moment of stupidity on Sunday evening when I decided to try to pry the top off of a container with our pair of kitchen scissors.  Not my smartest move.  I ended up with a pretty nasty slice on my thumb and was a little concerned about needing stitches to get it to stop bleeding.  What's funny about this story is not the gash on my thumb, but more the reaction of my family.  When this happened, I was cleaning up from supper and getting some things put away from our run to Target earlier in the afternoon.  Joshua and Lauren were sitting happily at the table coloring.  Mara was in her high chair finishing her supper.  And Jason was in the living room.

Upon hearing my cry for help, Jason went running for first aid supplies upstairs while I was trying to get it to stop bleeding.  He was a huge help and offered to take me to the ER if I thought we should go.  (Like a true mother, I opted to wait until morning to get it looked at so that we wouldn't have to rearrange things for the kids.)  Lauren didn't even look up from her coloring book when she said to me, "Mommy, you really should be more careful."  Joshua, God love him, ran for his doctor coat and medical supply kit and came running back in saying, "What do you need Mommy?  I can help you with my doctor kit."  After sitting with me for a few minutes, very concerned, he declared that while he really wanted to help me and take a look at the cut to make sure it stopped bleeding, when he thought about it or looked at it, he felt shaky.  (So much for medical school.)  I really got a good chuckle the following day when Joshua asked me to cut him a slice of Mara's birthday cake for his dessert after supper.  When I got out the long, serrated knife to cut the cake, he asked, "Do you trust yourself with that knife, Mommy?"

And so ends the story of my family's roles as medics.  And, in case you're wondering, my thumb is fine.  I had it looked at by my doctor on Monday afternoon.  And while they declared that stitches likely were not required, they did make sure that I was the proud owner of a brand new tetanus shot.  Lovely.

Tuesday was Mara's 12 month doctor's appointment.  She did well and seems to be doing everything she should be doing for her age.  The only question that I couldn't answer affirmatively was whether she was saying "mama" and "dada" specifically to us at this point.  She does a lot of babbling, but it doesn't seem to be directed at anyone in particular at this point.  She has started pointing to indicate what she wants, and is nodding her head "yes" and "no"....although it is mostly "no" at this point.  She weighed 18 lb 6.5 oz (10th percentile) and was 29 3/4" long (70th percentile).  She is almost exactly the same weight that Lauren was at her 12 month appointment, for whatever that is worth.  She had to get three shots, poor baby, but seemed to be over it before we hit the car.

After her appointment, I brought her back to the office with me for a while.  While here she managed to completely destroy both my office and the main waiting area.  If it wasn't nailed down, she had it on the floor.  I knew it was time for us to head home when she started digging her hands into the potted peace lily.  And this, my friends, is why I do not bring the children with me to work very often.  Joshua and Lauren, however, both requested that I start bringing Mara with me every day because they liked having some one on one big kid time with Grandma.  Uh........sorry guys.  Not happening.

This picture is proof positive that I need to spend some serious time downsizing my diaper bag.  Goodness.

After work and after filling Mara's belly, we were so excited to be heading out to eat with the Mowry's.  The funniest text yesterday from Emily said that Ciro's had been warned of our impending arrival when she called for a reservation.  But apparently the silence on the other end of the phone was comical when she asked for a reservation for 10, six of them children, and two of those in highchairs.  I told her that I suspected there would be several Ciro's waitstaff who would start feeling flu like symptoms who needed to go home upon hearing this.  The kids did great at supper....well, mostly.  Mara had had enough by the time we were finished.  But it's always a fun time when we're all together.  We vowed that not cooking was a real treat and said we would meet back there next week again.  HA!

I snapped these few pictures last evening before bed.  Nothing special here...just me snapping a few pictures of my favorite people to try out the new camera we got to be ready for Disney.  I love my big Canon camera, but having a point and shoot that is just as powerful will be a blessing for our Disney trip in May when we are short on hands and don't want to carry anything extra with us. 

Lauren and Daddy working on a Tangled game on the iPad.  Lauren has quickly become my little iPad junkie, loving to play learning games like's zoo applications or Dora's letter writing adventures.  The Tangled game has all sorts of puzzles that are age appropriate.  I love seeing her learning.  She will be SOOOO ready for preschool in the fall.  I actually sat with her for over an hour yesterday morning while she used magnetic shapes to match pictures on cards (a gift that Joshua got for Christmas from my parents).  I was amazed at what she was able to do.  She loved it when I called her a smarty pants, and just wanted to show me even more of what she was able to do.

Joshua was amazing me last evening too.  He sat at the island and was making all sorts of plans, but I didn't know what about until after I took this picture.  He had explained to me in great detail about their Bible lesson yesterday- all about Satan, temptation, and Satan's fall from Heaven.  So, I shouldn't be surprised that his plan was for the army that was going to defeat Satan, with the names of just about everyone Joshua knows to fight in the army.  He had a calendar, and pictures of Satan to match the picture Mrs. Case had shown the class that morning. 

We had the sweetest conversation on the way home from school yesterday about feeling tempted, and how that is Satan's way of trying to cause trouble, as well as ways to fight temptation through prayer.  It was a pretty in depth conversation with a six year old...but I love how he is learning and growing in his understanding of God. 

And while this is, in no way, a good picture of me, I love that I caught one of Mara and I being silly.  I just adore her.

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