Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What's new?

We seem to be in a pattern of chasing our tails lately.  When I sat down to see what treasures I could find on my camera, it was obvious why I've been feeling like I've been in a tailspin lately.  Goodness--- I don't think we've had much downtime in the past few weeks.  Ever since we got home from Dallas, we've been running from activity to activity.  But I guess that's what the end of the school year is supposed to be like.

Last Thursday evening, we had Joshua's soccer game to attend.  They seem to be having a good time, and that's all that I care about.  Joshua could be seen (and heard) giggling all the way down the field.  He's doing pretty well dribbling the ball, but wasn't able to connect with any goals this time.  Maybe this week...if it doesn't rain.  Which it's supposed to.

After the soccer game Thursday night, we started prepping for Preschool Field Day at the school on Friday morning.  I've come to really look forward to this day because of how much the kids absolutely love it.  Since it involves nursery school, K4 and K5 classes, the activities are pretty low key, but even the kindergarten kids had a great time.  This was our little group.

 The potato sack races always flash me back to my Buchanan Elementary School field days when I was younger, because this was the one activity I absolutely loved.  I found it funny that Mr. Baughman (the school administrator....really the principal) always jumps (literally) right in and plays with the kids.  They love it and hopped their little hearts out to try to beat him to the finish line.

 I don't know what the deal is with the goofy smile here, but Joshua seemed to like the romper stompers.

 After the field day activities, all of the classes give their end of the school year gift to their teachers.  The K5 class decided to make Mrs. Case a scrapbook with individual pages made by each of the children with notes to Mrs. Case or pictures from the year.  She seemed to really enjoy it.  And if you can't tell how loved this teacher is by the way the whole mob of kids surrounded her, believe me, she's loved!  She's a special teacher and has really blessed each of these children this year.  I had a really nice talk with her in line for lunch and she was telling me how hard it is each summer when she is at home missing the kids.  She says it takes her a month or so to get over how much she misses them each fall when the new school year starts.  But she says she makes frequent trips to first grade to visit with them and make sure she is continuing to support their learning.  God bless you, Mrs. Case!

 Each of the kids got a medal...which Joshua wore for the rest of the afternoon while he was working at the office with me.  He felt so special.

We were exhausted by the end of the day on Friday.  Like fall down on your face tired.  Suffice it to say we all slept well.

Saturday was a busy running around day and we actually had the divide and conquer strategy going between Jason and I.  He took Josh and headed for the barber shop and to a few other places where we needed things.  I took the girls to take Lauren for a haircut (or a beauty as she called it).  Then we had an extra special treat of taking the girls to Dunkin Donuts for the first time ever.  Joshua can never have anything to do with Dunkin Donuts or any donuts because of peanuts, but I am getting more and more brave with Lauren, knowing that I need to do a full peanut test with her before she starts school in August.  So, she thought she was pretty hot stuff.  Mara loved her donut too, but that apple didn't fall too far from this tree in the way that she adores sweets.  I sat with the girls and enjoyed my cup of coffee, but opted not to blow all of my points for the day on the donut or bagel that I really wanted.  Only 8 pounds to go to my 40 pound weight loss goal, and I am still hanging on to the miracle that I might possibly get there before we leave for Disney in .... 12 days.  Yeah...I know.  But I'm still working on it.

We spent the afternoon playing at home and then ran out for a Rita's run (a summer treat that is really the only one that Joshua can enjoy) and a discovery of a beautiful local area for fishing, walking, and picnicking that I am hopeful we'll make time to enjoy this summer.  Montour Preserve is literally about 8 minutes from our house, and absolutely gorgeous.  I can't wait to pack a picnic and take the kids over there.

Sunday morning we went to church and then were so happy becuase Nana and Pap made a flying trip to our house to see the kids.  We all played outside together, blew lots of bubbles, shot some hoops and my Dad helped Jason prep their fishing rods for their hopeful first fishing outing this weekend.

Well...more to come tomorrow, I hope.  We're on major Disney countdown here....absolutely cannot wait!

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