Today marked the end of Joshua's golf school. Josh seemed to have a good time. The kids especially liked getting to go onto the course for the first time today to go onto the green and do some real putting.
Yesterday and today have been fun- I've gotten to have some "Joshua Time" without the girls. After picking him up when golf was over, he has been coming back to the office with me to hang out. Since Sherry and I have been flying solo most of the week with Julie out on her big, exciting Alaskan vacation, we welcomed the help. Yesterday I took him for lunch (at Subway...his absolute favorite) and then we took him back home for the afternoon. Today, he has declared that he wants to stay with me at the office all day, so we'll see how long that actually lasts. I have my bets on him deciding he has had enough of the working world by about 3:00, which will make it officially too late for me to make the round trip to Turbotville and back to Lewisburg with enough time left in the day to accomplish much of anything.
So, for now, he is setting up his own "office" with tons of supplies and an old phone that he can use to make important calls without actually calling me or Sherry or heaven only knows who else on our real phones. I made the mistake of showing him how to use the intercom feature on the phone system one time earlier this year- and now he is very liberal with his usage of the "call Mommy" button. It's cute for about the first 300 times he calls me.
I'm grateful for the time to spend with him. Before we know it, we're going to be buying school supplies (backpacks and lunchboxes are already ordered) and figuring out the routine of two kids in school, as if one didn't just about do me in last year with all of the pickups and deliveries. Thankfully, this year, my runs to Turbotville mid-day are going to be few and far between, so I will count that a major blessing.
Josh seems to be growing and maturing in front of our eyes these days. He learned to tie his shoes by himself yesterday. And I swear he has grown at least 2 inches since school ended. And he is taking responsibility for things on his own that I normally needed to handle. I was so proud of him yesterday when we were talking about a rumored ice cream situation that was scheduled for after golf was done this morning. I told him that I would talk to the teacher and find out what we needed to do for him. But he said, "Mommy, can I ask Mr. Jamieson myself about it?" When I said yes, he said, "Does that mean in two minutes you're going to go over there and ask him yourself?" We giggled, and I told him that I trusted him. We talked again this morning about what he was going to do about the ice cream, and say "No, thank you". I promised him I would be there early and just be in the parking lot in case he was worried or didn't know what to do. But I watched him handle the situation this morning, and handle it well. Mr. Jamieson remembered that he had talked to him yesterday, and didn't give him the M&M ice cream sandwich that he gave the other kids, but instead gave him three sleeves of golf balls instead of two. I think it was a very fair trade!
We'll celebrate today with a lunch guessed it. Hopefully Joshua will have a little picnic here with me at the office. I love having him here.
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