Friday, November 22, 2013

A likely "ectomy".

Much to report on...again.
You'd think I could soon get it together.  But I wouldn't hold your breath.
I owe Lauren a post like this from her doctor's appointment in....oh I don't know....the beginning of October.  Maybe I should just summarize and say that she's perfect.  Grew well, gained the right amount of weight, etc.  All around a great visit for our little princess.
I took Joshua yesterday for his seven year checkup.  I was astonished to hear that it had been six months since Joshua was there for a sick visit.  I honestly expected a band to start playing and fireworks to start going off at the sheer wonder of it all.  But no.  Only in my own head.  The doctor assured me that we'd likely be seeing more of them agian as the winter months wore on- a realization I didn't need a reminder about.  Josh did great, too-- grew 3" over the past year and gained 7 pounds.  We knew he was growing and had put (a little) meat on his bones, but that confirmed it.  Our only hiccup seemed to be the exam of Joshua's throat, when (just like every other doctor who has ever looked at him) Dr. Baca marvelled at the size of his tonsils.  Although I had asked about them when he was having his apnea problems as a toddler, no one seemed too concerned at the time.  But they're thinking that it might be a good idea to consult with an ENT doctor to take a look at whether or not those tonsils would be better out than in.  I have to tell you, I'd rather do ANYTHING besides consider surgery, but we'll check this out and see what needs to be done.  The doctor is pretty sure his adenoids are an issue as well.  So stay tuned for the first possible "ectomy" of the Dugan family.  We see the ENT on 12/4 and will go from there.  Poor Josh is more than a little worried.
This week has buzzed past as most seem to do lately, but I thought I would include a few pictures from last weekend.  Jason had been away on a trip to California on Wednesday-Friday, so the kids and I were on our own Friday evening.  We decided to go to "almost" midnight madness at the kids' school and had a fun time.  Joshua loved seeing the big kids playing basketball.  Although Daddy was home on Saturday morning, he was off to the PSU game with clients on Saturday, so we had a day together at home.  I cooked up a storm- chicken corn soup, 2 pumpkin pies, oatmeal raisin cookies-- the house smelled amazing!  And then, after the hard work was done (and by that, I am referring to getting Mara down for her nap), the big kids and I headed outside for some fun in what may be turning out to be the last nice weekend before the cold chill sets in.  We played soccer and football and rode bikes and shot baskets.  It was awesome.  And there were pictures.  There are always pictures.


I had to laugh about this picture.  I think the kids were all very happy to have Daddy home from the game on Saturday afternoon.  There was much giggling!

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Having your child go through a surgery is really tough on a Mommy. Ian has had four surgeries already, and he's only three years old. Oliver will be having two surgeries in 2014. I will say that I had my tonsils and adnoids out when I was a kid, and it was the best thing because before that I had strep throat and such ALL the time, and I hardly ever had it again after that surgery.