Friday, November 1, 2013

A whole lot of catching up...

I think I am now officially so behind on blogging that I ought to just post these pictures and call it a day. We are all fine...just ridiculously busy. And despite my efforts to simplify, I seem to be failing miserably. But we have been having a good time anyway. Halloween was awesome and the kids were adorable. We ended up Trick or Treating in our neighborhood in the rain on Halloween and then going to Trunk or  Treat on Friday evening due to a significant improvement in the weather. We all had fun. I don't love Halloween, but I have learned that when it comes to the kids, I love any special day that makes them smile. And this surely did!

The deck is done!  Masonry work and all. The hot tub has become the respite spot for Jason and me after the kids are tucked into bed. It is wonderful!  I can't wait to be able to enjoy the whole deck this spring and summer to get the full effect. But for now, that 102 degree water around 10:00 pm is heavenly!

I'll end with some silliness....which there has been plenty of. These kids, while driving me to the brink of insanity on more occasions than I am proud to admit, bring a lot of joy, too. 

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