Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Weekend in Pictures

Joshua's final Upward game of the season!  He had a lot of fun. 

Outside playtime always lifts our spirits. It was chilly, but that didn't keep us inside. We saw sunshine and decided to go for it. 

And these were from our special day to celebrate Grandma Shirley as we finally laid her ashes to rest.  It was her first birthday in Heaven, and we all were together to cap off what turned unexpectedly into the most difficukt 7 months our family has faced. Pap passed so suddenly on August 9th, and then Grandma's struggle began, ending in her passing on New Year's Day. Just so much for us all to soak in. But together- we did it just as they bkth would have expected us to-- as a family all together and with homemade ice cream. It was a very special day. 

1 comment:

Ruth said...

I love the second pic! It turned out so nicely and captures a very sweet moment. :)