Sunday, November 23, 2014


Tomorrow is my Pap's 95th birthday. 95! The last few years haven't been easy for him as body started to give him fits even though his mind is as sharp as I remember it being when I was a little girl. There is a cruelty in that, although I have grown in deep respect and admiration of him in recent years as he has taken the weight of difficult decisions about his care by simply taking charge and making the right choices at the right times. I can only pray that I will one day have the same foresight and concern for my family as he does for his. 

There have been a few times over the past few years that we weren't sure Pap would make it to another birthday. And so, for today, we celebrated!  I believe he was very happy today, surrounded by his friends who have been his chauffeurs, his comic relief, his check in point, his go-out-to-dinner gang, as well as all of his family who live locally. If only our Texas/Massachusetts/Caribbean family could have been there. 

The kids were troopers- church this morning and then jumping right in the car to get to Belleville. Joshua was a charmer, discussing Penn state football with Pap and his friends as well as helping to serve cake and ice cream. He is a good boy-- and I love seeing him like that. The girls did very well, too considering they were napless and the nursing home isn't exactly a fun place for kids. Just having each other there was, I believe, a treat for them. 

We stopped at Lib's on the way home to run off some steam before the ride back. Everyone (amazingly) stayed awake on the ride home but it wasn't long til we found Mara like this...

Which is exactly how I envision Pappy Ray right now too!

Happy Birthday, Pap!

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