I am still in recovery mode after the football game at PSU last week. As in...being up that late still has my sleep all out of whack. So when it was decided that Jason's partner was going to be the one to entertain clients at last Saturday's game, no tears were shed. The prospect of being at home for a whole weekend sounded heavenly!
Friday morning started with Joshua's Harvest Party at school. Normally I love being on hand for these parties, and find it helpful to monitor the food situation, but these second graders were WOUND UP! The noise level was similar to the white out at Penn State and the amount of bodies and hot air inside the classroom made it feel like a sauna. And they wonder why parents stop coming to these things after about third grade! I don't mean to complain. It really is a blessing to be able to share in the parties with the kids, and everyone seemed to have fun. I was just glad when 11:30 rolled around and we got our walking papers for the rest of the day. The kids had an early dismissal so I handed them off to Grandma and went to the office.

After I got home from work, it was go time for trick or treating. We had our annual Halloween supper of mummy dogs (I wonder if they'll still request those when they are 20?) and then began the process of costuming the crew for their night on the town. After a ridiculous amount of time we were ready to collect treats, and armed with three epi's, a camera and a phone out the door we went. We had considered going to Christ Wesleyan's Trunk or Treat, but since it fell on the same night as the local trick or treat night we opted out of the 2+ hour wait in line and walked the "city" streets of Turbotville. The kids all brought home bucket fulls of candy, much of which was promptly traded for peanut safe varieties that I had purchased for the switch. The worst news of it all is that anything without actual peanuts in it was saved in a high up bag that only Jason and I could get to- and much of that has now found its permanent home on my hips. The diet has been out the window with blatant disregard in recent days. I can offer no greater excuse besides my own lack of willpower. But I will get that turned around.
For Saturday's grand plan, I had it in my head that I wanted to make a big pot of chicken corn soup. So I set to work on that around 8 am and finally finished cleaning everything up for supper. But we now have a bunch of containers of that homemade, soul warming soup to be pulled out throughout the winter months. Well worth the effort, I think.
Sunday we were finally back to church after having been gone for two in a row. It was wonderful! We are working through a fantastic curriculum in Sunday School and church called The Story, which walks you through the entire Bible in 42 weeks (or something close to that). It explores the stories of the Bible, the characters and their complexities and has been teaching me oh so much. I thought I knew my Bible stories pretty well, but I had surely never learned or thought about them in these ways before. The neatest part, I think, is that all of the SS classes are doing the same story each week- from toddler to adult. Our Wee Worship and Super Kids Church curriculums are the same as well, so everyone is getting the same material on their own level. It has made for some great conversations with the kids during the week. Pastor Jamie's sermons have been amazing- full of challenge and reality and just the kick I need to apply it. Mara has been doing well staying with Lauren in her classes, which has allowed me uninterrupted time to study with other adults. What a blessing. I have been bribing her with treats but you know my motto- "Sometimes you've just got tomdo what you've got to do!"
This week's bribe was a new book at the bookstore. Joshua had a gift card that was burning a hole in his pocket, so I thought I was being clever to wrap a bribe into this already promised escapade. After roughly 7 hours inside of the bookstore all three children had found their book and we were on our way home. Sitting through Sunday School and church cost me exactly $57.34...and 7 hours of my Sunday.
We ended Sunday with the beginnings of a nasty fever for Miss Mara. Sadly much of the week has been spent nursing her back to health.
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