After a very tough week last week which included the loss of our dog, Watson, who Jason discovered had passed in his bed in our room on Thursday afternoon, we all needed a much happier weekend. Luckily, it seemed to work out that way.
Friday night we spent in the kitchen making a very special supreme pizza lasagna (Pioneer Woman absolute fave) to share with aunt Libby and Uncle Zig and the girls on Saturday. We also baked a cake for dessert and had a few good laughs. Before I knew it, it was bedtime and I finished my cooking in peace and quiet after everyone else went to bed. I must say, cooking in a quiet kitchen was a real treat, and not one I am used to.
Saturday and Sunday were firefighter training days for Jason, so the kids and I had a lot of one on three time. But we were busy beavers on Saturday morning spiffing the place up for the Wrays' arrival. And by spiffing up, what i am really saying is that we scrubbed the footprints off of our floors and cleaned toothpaste globs out of the sink. Because...gross me out. We put away about seven baskets of laundry that had piled up in the bedroom throughout the week and everyone was pleased to not have to go rummaging on a treasure hunt to find two socks that matched any more. I mean, these people I love are soooo picky.
In the afternoon, the Upward Green Wave concluded their season with a nice win. This group has been fun to watch, and their coaches were outstanding. I am sorry to say that this week's practice included a parents vs kids scrimmage that I had to participate in because of Jason's fire training class. I think he may owe me big for that one. It may require jewelry. Josh was so excited about Lib and Zig and the girls being there to see him play. And Mara and Lauren were thrilled to have Brooke and Hayden there to play and giggle with during the game.
They came back to our house for playing and dinner, and I just have to day that it is times like that when I wish my sister lived in the same town. I wish it a lot, but I definitely felt that way with this visit. While they were here, Mara somehow got it in her mind that she was going home with them. As they were packing up, she grabbed her coat and waa ready to go. Inwish Inwas exaggerating but a full 30 minute tantrum ensued when I told her no.
This morning we made it out to sunday school and church, and then headed to a birthday party at the Sunset Skating Rink in Shamokin Dam. None of the kids had ever skated before, and I am fairly certain it has been close to 20 years since I have. Nothing flashes you back to the early 90's like an afternoon at the skating rink-- and today was certainly no exception. The kids took to it better than I had anticipated, although the fact that the girls were in the Fisher Price skates that only roll forward certainly didn't hurt. Joshua struggled a bit-- with arms and legs flailing all over the place for the first hour or so that we were there. I felt a bit like I was watching the falling montage on America's Funniest Home Videos because the number of times that he fell down in close succession had me a little concerned that I might pee my pants. I was quite pleased that I managed to skate for three hours without a single fall, and that both of the girls remained mostly vertical during our skate. Lauren skated on her own most of the time, and Mara insisted on holding my hand the whole time. I loved having the afternoon to spend with them.
We have all ended the weekend in our sweats, on the couch, cuddled together under a blanket. Dinner was leftover lasagna from last night--- the gift that just keeps on giving. Sounds like heaven to me.
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