Monday, March 23, 2015


Today started out badly no matter how you define it. I had "stayed up" later  than usual last night-- and by that I mean I fell asleep on the couch downstairs around 10 instead of 9. So getting up was painful. And since I had agreed to help at the book fair at school this morning my get ready routine had to be at warp speed. And I think we will all agree that those two things alone are a recipe for disaster. In all of my rushing, which included backpacks, coats, emptying the dishwasher, drying my hair, getting my makeup done, finishing packing Joshua's lunch, preparing a cupcake for him for a snack today while the rest of his class had cupcakes that were brought from someone else's home, feeding and dressing three kids, and starting two crockpots of roast beef with noodles (one for our supper and one for a family who is grieving a devastating loss), I neglected breakfast for myself. It was 7:25-- we needed to be out the door at 7:35 at the absolute latest.  But I scrambled myself some egg beaters, grabbed a banana and made a cup of coffee to go. I was thrilled that the kids were in the car and ready to go at 7:34 and I made my final sweep through the house to kiss Mara's sweet little head one more time for the day and grab my breakfast to gobble down on the way. I took one step onto the garage steps and immediately fell to the ground, after bouncing down both of the stairs on my left hip, tossing my coffee, scrambled eggs, shoes and my dignity into the air.  I did what anyone in my position would have done. I cried. Sobbed really. Like a good, ugly, cathartic cry that cleans your soul from the inside out. 

Upon seeing the scrambled eggs flying like confetti both Joshua and Lauren came running. And this is when I started taking notice to things today. 

Josh and Lauren took my hands and helped me up, asking no less than a thousand times if I was OK.

We made it to school on time...albeit barely...but Joshua told me he would use me as his prayer request this morning in school. And he did, too, because when each of his classmates saw me at the book fair they asked if I was alright and told me they had prayed for me. They're 8. 

On the way down the steps to take Lauren into her class, we watched a little boy-- the most difficult one in her class-- the one most people are more annoyed with than patient-- trip down the steps and begin to cry. We were able to check on him and tell him that I had just done the same thing at home, and both had a good giggle over it.

I got to sit this morning and talk with another mom, also volunteering at the book fair, who has recently lost her grandmother-- and is deep in sadness over that loss. I wish I wasn't so familiar with it, but I thank God that I was there in that moment for her. And I have prayed for her all day today. 

When I returned home with a list a mile long tonight, Lauren declared that she wanted to make a special surprise for me. When I was finally allowed to look, I came into the kitchen to find that she had set the "table" for us, all of her own doing.  I don't know why she picked the island and not one of two actual tables to eat on, but it didn't matter to me one bit. She even moved the felt and pipe cleaner flowers that I have sitting on another counter so we would have a centerpiece. 

After supper, we got showerd and I was putting laundry away while the kids were washing. Lauren has assumed the position of helper for Mara, so I put them in our shower while Joshua used the kids' bathroom. It wasn't long before I heard this little exchnge take place. 

Lauren:  Mara,we need to hurry up in here, OK?

Mara:  Why?  Because you want to tuddle?

Lauren:  Yes, I want to make sure we have time to cuddle with Mommy before bedtime. 

Mara: (always the classy one of the bunch)  Hey sissy, I just tooted twietwy.

And then they giggled. They had no idea I was listening. 

And so that is just what we did to end this day. All four of us piled on the couch for some snuggles and prayers and then I put them all to bed. 

I don't think I will have an ounce of trouble filling my grateful journal's five spots for tonight. Because when I focus on noticing...really looking...God's hand is at work in every circumstance. Even tossed scrambled eggs at 7:34 am. 

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