Tuesday, March 31, 2015

All of the glamour.

Nothing says, "Wow, motherhood is so glamorous" like a 10:30 pm wakeup call that is the unmistakable sound of everything that has gone into the stomach of your three year old over the course of the past 24 hours as it hits the floor (and the walls and the bathroom door)...and every piece of bedding in the room. And so most of Monday night and Tuesday were spent on puke duty with one very pitiful Mara. Most of the time she wanted to be held, and frankly that was the best method to keep from having to clean the entire house...because apparently when you are three, the concept of hitting the yuck bucket isn't a natural one if left to your own devices. So I didn't go far. She did sleep for a while in the afternoon which allowed me some time to prep dirt pudding cups for Joshua's Easter party at school for Wednesday.  But a glamorous day, it was certainly not. 

Easter celebrations are in full swing here, and the kids are really having a great time. We colored eggs the other night, and most of them have already been eaten. I swear Lauren is going to turn into a hard boiled egg one of these days. Or have very high cholesterol at the rate she devours eggs of all varieties. 

And this past Saturday, we headed to our church's egg hunt dressed more for a snowball fight than for an Easter egg hunt. We had a nice dusting of snow that morning and it was so cold. But the kids didn't seem to mind much. 

It is always a good day when we can cross paths with some of our favorite people on the whole planet. Mine may have already consumed 17 Tootsie Rolls judging by Mara's smile because apparently I have no control over them getting into their eggs and stuffing their faces full of sugar. 

Lots more fun and hopefully lots more pictures coming after our trip to Nana and Pap's house tomorrow and fun with Grandma and Grandpa on Sunday after church. 

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