Friday, April 3, 2015

Easter Parties!

I love so much the openness of having parent volunteers at the kids' holiday parties at school. They have become some of my favorite days- mostly because they are also among the kids' favorites. I know the days are likely numbered that Joshua will think it is cool to have me there with him, and so I relish these holiday celebrations while they last. The only challenge I seem to have with the parties is how to fairly divide myself between both classrooms when the parties happen simultaneously. And life will really get interesting once we add a third classroom to the mix. But for yesterday's festivities I only had to divide in half, and it worked out just fine. 

I started in K4 and did a lot of jobs with the other parents like counting and hiding Easter eggs and cleaning fruit. We also prepped the resurrection buns that the kids were going to make. Some great conversations took place with the ofher parents in the class-- always a blessing to get to know the other children's families-- particularly since the same kids tend to be together in the same class from preschool through to graduation at Meadowbrook. 

After all of that, I headed to 2nd grade just in time for their egg hunt. This is where things started to get a little interesting. After finding all of his eggs, Joshua had one that was taped pretty heavily, and so he decided, in his infinite 8 year old wisdom that has no appreciation for things that can get you sent to the ER, to use his scissors to try to break the tape. He failed miserably at that, but did an outstanding A+ job of slicing his finger open. He came to me calmly and mentioned that he thought he cut his hand. When I saw the blood pouring from it, I said, "Yep, you sure did!" and promptly carted him to the nurse's office. After about a half hour of firm pressure and no less than 87 gauze pads, we got the bleeding stopped.  They didn't think we needed stitches, which sounded fantastic to both me and Josh since that's where I think we both figured we were heading.  He was wrapped up like he had cut off a finger and we went back to the party. Good grief. 

After I returned to K4, Lauren was enjoying her resurrection bun (the marshmallow they had wrapped inside their roll had disappeared...just like the empty tomb) and then we got ready to play some games. The kids absolutely love playing the games and I love hearing their giggles. 

School was dismissed at 11:30, so Josh headed home but Lauren opted to stay with me because of her ballet class at 4:45 and really, how many back and forth trips between Lewisburg, Milton and Turbotville can one Suburban really make in one day. So we got her some lunch (and as a sidenote, this girl must be in the midst of some kind of growth spurt because of all the eating!  She had a full party plate, a 6" Subway sub, chips, chocolate milk and then asked to stop for a donut before ballet. I like food...a lot...but all I could think of was that she was going to regret that donut choice in the middle of the spinning and jumping at Downtown Dance.). While I attempted to work, she was cracking me up by using a sticker pad that has all kinds of funny face elements on her own face instead of the pages in the tablet. She is so fun to be with. Definitely the easiest of our three to bring with me to the office. 

And THAT was our Wednesday. 

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