Thursday, April 16, 2015

Mara's Morning

I love my morning time with Mara after the rat race that is getting the big kids out the door to school. We aren't in a huge hurry, and we just go about our morning chores together, talking and singing (and usually giggling) along the way. I adore this girl- hard headed and stubborn as she may be. 

So here is a peek into our morning today.  

She picked her Pop Tart for her breakfast. She also picked the Sofia plate to eat it from after inspecting each of the other 37 plates in the cupboard, all of which would have worked just fine. But did I mention she is particular?

Then she worked on a bit of makeup.  She loves to do her makeup when I do mine. And I sadly thought, after snapping this picture, that in the blink of an eye I will be helping her do her makeup for the prom. heart. 

And then, while I made our supper, she worked in her Play-Doh kitchen to make meatballs. She advised me that they take a long time to make and I will have to be patient. 

Next year, she will begin preschool and our mornings together will be a little more structured. So for now, I'm soaking this up. 

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