Last week, Jason and I had the privilege of travelling with Joshua's class to Easton, PA for their field trip to the Crayola Experience. I have to start with an admission that after last year's over the river and through the woods bus trip where I was pretty sure I was going to toss my cookies while en route to Lake Tobias with a background chorus of screaming banshees, Jason and I were gun shy to ride the school bus. So were lots of others because it looked like some sort of parade as the school bus followed by 14 other vehicles departed Meadowbrook's parking lot. However, we had some company with us on the ride that made for very enjoyable conversation. I don't know when the last time was that we had a car ride that was full of chatter and laughter and silliness that didn't involve a Disney movie or the antics of children. This was all grown ups. Joshua had decided to ride the bus with his friends--- and so God bless the parents who rode the bus. You are stronger than I.
Our bus departed Milton around 6:45 am, which truly wasn't a problem for me since I'm always up at that time anyway, but it was a bit of a stretch for Grandma who had to leave her house at 0 dark thirty to make it to our house in time. And she had the headache of the get to school shuffle with Lauren, which sometimes isn't pretty. But everything went fine from the reports we got.
There were lots of learning stations for the kids, and they were all fun-- making crayon splatters with spinning melted crayons, molding crayons into fun shapes and things like that. Joshua's favorite part was the station where he got to name his own crayon and print a wrapper for it. This is a marketing racket the likes of which I have never seen. They were charging you $.50 for each crayon--- which, of course, we obliged because he was happy. So, good job Crayola. You win! We got to see a program that explained how crayons are made, and showed some very old Crayola advertisements which were from....the 80's. That was great for the ego.
We brown bagged our lunches and had a nice room to eat together in, so that worked out well for the allergy issues. I was so grateful that we didn't have to contend with eating out or a bus stop anywhere to eat. After lunch, the kids got to spend some time in the Crayola store. I'm honestly not sure who had more fun--- the kids or the adults. There was a whole wall of crayons and markers, and you could fill a tin with coloring supplies. So fun! I have decided that I am going to order some of those adult coloring books with intricate designs to put into our camper so that I can have fun while the kids do this summer.
Apparently the bus ride got to a few others because we increased our numbers on the ride home from Easton. Which made it even MORE fun. We even had two children come back with us--- neither of which was our own kid. Which probably means he was one of the ones making a racket on the bus. We were told not, but you know how that goes.
It's always a special day when we get to spend one on one time with Josh, and so Jason and I both really enjoyed that. I think Lauren would LOVE the Crayola Experience-- some of the activities were a bit young for Joshua, and with the way that Lauren loves to draw and color, I think she would have really loved it. Perhaps a return trip may be in our future.
And just look who's growing like a weed!!
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