Thursday, May 21, 2015

Mother's Day Weekend

I have been promising the kids for a long time that we would finally get to spend the night at Nana and Pap's.  I'm embarrassed to say that it has been since Christmas that it has happened--- between illnesses and basketball season and snow and more illnesses, we have made several day trips, but nothing that gave the kids the feeling that they were satisfied with their time with their Nana and Pap.  When Toby's arrival onto the scene was scheduled for the weekend of 5/17, we figured we'd schedule an overnight run for Mother's Day weekend.  There was lots of outside playing time, a special trip to the Mother Daughter banquet with Mom, Libby and the girls, and lots of giggling.

I'm going to be honest and tell you that I am having MAJOR deja vu here as I'm writing this post.  I was sure that I had already written about this trip, and that I had something sentimental to say about all of the important mothers in my life.  But I can't seem to find it.  And now I'm hugely concerned that I'm either losing it...or have completely lost it.  I've always known I was on the edge...but I'm scared now. 

So for now, enjoy the pictures.  While I start packing my bags for Danville State Hospital.  They've been reserving a padded room there for me for quite some time.

Love these three!

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