Tuesday, July 21, 2015

It was like climbing Mt Everest.

I can't let the summer go by without a post summarizing our week at VBS. This is always a tricky week for us just based on scheduling and logistics, but I have to say that this year the kids had an absolutely fantastic time.  Our church family went all out again this year with decorations that helped all of us to get into the spirit of this year's theme-- Mt Everest!  I am always amazed and so thankful for the people in our church who spend so much time and energy to make this week special for the kids. 

There were close to 150 kids who attended during the week. And whatever poor attitude I may have had going into it was quickly resolved when Ingot the opportunity to man my station in the Kid Vid cinema where we watched a real life story that helped to drive home the message from the evening. I soent my week with the preschoolers- 40+ of them. They were an energetic bunch, but made my heart so happy as we all learned together about all of the things God is powerful enough to do. I love how He works-- providing growth and learning for the adults as well as the kiddos.

One of the daily joys I had was watching these two sweet little spunky girls dancing and singing their hearts out to the music each night during opening and closing. And all the way there and all the way home. And everywhere we have gone in the car since then. For goodness sake...

We had the joy of bringing our friend from up the street, Katelyn, with us each night. She and Lauren got to be in the same group and seemed to have a fun time together. 

After the long week, I think I may have been the only one ready for it all to be over with.  But I guess that's a good thing- we all got to know Jesus better that week, and even earlier bedtimes and fewer cranky morning are worth that. 

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