Friday, May 30, 2008


So Daddy is Joshua absolute favorite person right now because he bought Joshua his very own tractor to ride. Ever since we got home from Nana and Pap's house on Monday, Joshua has been begging for a tractor ride. Jason happened to find one for him and surprised him with it on Wednesday after work. It was pure torture for Joshua, though, because the battery had to charge for 18 hours before he could ride the tractor. So all he got to do on Wednesday was what we called "sit it"...sit on it. Last evening, after work, Jason took him out to show him how it works. Within minutes, he knew just what to do to make it go. Our only problem is that he only knows how to go STRAIGHT. So, he reaches the end of the driveway and we have to turn him around. I think he rode it for at least a half hour last night. He doesn't stay with any one thing too long, so we'd shift from golf clubs to tractor to his mowzer (mower) to his broom until it was time for his tub.

No huge plans this weekend, so it'll proabably be a great outside weekend for us and hopefully I'll get some inside work done as well. Wishing you all a great weekend. Hope you enjoyed the pictures.

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