You may be thinking that I spelled the post title incorrectly. First of all, don't doubt my neurotic spell-checker tendencies. Secondly, that's what Joshua has been saying recently when he's feeling silly, or is finding someone else to be silly (mostly Daddy). But that's pretty much how I'd sum up this weekend. It was a very silly one. I captured most of the giggle-fests that we had this weekend on video, and wish I could post that. But anyone who has been blessed to have heard Joshua's giggle in person can probably hear it in these pictures. It's the best sound in the world to me.
The pictures above are of Joshua "helping" (and I use the term very loosely) with folding his laundry on Saturday. He pulled his frog towel out of the basket and immediately put it onto his head and started using it as a cape, flying around the house. He'd pull the hood down over his eyes and then take off running. Amazingly, he'd crack up when he ran into a wall, or a door, or whatever else.
Saturday during the day we had a nice visit with Pap and Nana, back from their cruise of the Mediterranean. Joshua referred to their trip as "big boat" which I guess was correct. Aunt Libby came along too, which Joshua tremendously enjoyed. While mom and I were scheming on the final details for Libby's baby shower (this coming Saturday), Joshua and Lib were off giggling somewhere...their usual activity.
This weekend, Joshua has managed to learn how to tell a knock-knock joke, which leaves me in stitches every time he says it. Here's how it goes:
"Knock Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Joshua who?"
"Joshu Dugan"
Too cute.
We've also taken quite a liking to Dr Seuss these days. Joshua absolutely loves the book "Have I Ever Told You How Lucky You Are?" (He calls it "Ucky Are by Dr. Seuss"...and yes, he does say the by Dr. Seuss part). If you've not read this book, you must. It's hysterical. His other favorite is "Green Eggs and Ham" right now. I can't tell you how many times I've been through either of them in the past few days. Every nap time and bed time those are his requests...over and over and over again.

And I'll leave you with another picture capturing a very silly moment last night. Joshua was eating supper and decided it'd be best to have his shirt off to do that. So off it came. Then, once I let him get down from his high chair, he took off around the house, no shirt, jogging and wanting us to follow him. We giggled and carried on for a good half hour. This all worked to our advantage because when it came time for bed, he was zonked after one read of Ucky Are and half of Ham. He did have one request before going to sleep. He yelled downstairs for "Daddy monies piggy bank" (that's exactly what he said). Evidently he wanted Jason to bring him some change and help him count it while he put it in his bank. That's one of his favorite activities with grandma during the day too. So, Jason came running with a handful of change, and Joshua counted each one as he put it in. He can go to 14, and then it's 19 and nexteen, whatever that means.
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