Friday, July 18, 2008

Joshua and the Terrible-Horrible-No Good-Very Bad Night...

See post from July 15th. Insert start time at 1:30 am and final "back to sleep in crib" time as 5:30 am. It was a Kiwanis morning, so it was a double whammy. We had to be up, cheerful and dressed to leave the house at 7:00. You can do the math- not much time for resting Joshua falling asleep and needing to get ready.

Mommy and Daddy both are dragging today...big time.

My theory is that Joshua's two year molars are starting to work their way through his little gums. Sadly, there's been enough of a pattern to our sleep tragedies that I've made the connection between teething and poor sleeping.

Praying for improvement tonight.

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