I awoke to full fledged screaming this morning at 2:55 am. It's been quite some time since I've had a night like that. But just in case anyone wonders, the children ALWAYS reserve the right to hit you with a zinger just when you think you're out of the woods in the sleeping department. When I got to the crib (in about 4 leaping steps because that's how quickly you MOVE when you hear a scream like that), Joshua was standing in his crib hysterical. All he kept saying was "bad dream". Poor little buddy. So we rocked. For an hour. Then I changed his diaper realizing that he wasn't likely to just fall back to sleep. And then he started with his list of demands.
"Downstairs... Diaper Change 'gain... sleep couch... milk." We did all of that. I vetoed his requests to "read books" because I couldn't see straight. Literally. I don't know if you've tried it, but your eyes simply won't work at that hour of the night.
Still awake.
At 4:19 am I came back upstairs with him bleary eyed and disturbed that my alarm was set for 5:00 am...normal waking time. I quickly reset that for 6:00 knowing I had zero chance of being able to function at 5. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm at the very last ditch option when Joshua ends up in bed with us. But I couldn't take one more minute. I laid down to at least make sure I didn't FALL down, and then Joshua played with my hair, touched my face and said "Mommy seep" and "big fan" (referring to our ceiling fan) about 57 times until he finally drifted off. At 5:49 I put him back into his crib and reset the alarm for 6:30. Not like that helped much.
And so, today 30 feels like 50...because I'm beat. Somehow, though, it all felt fine when I saw that smiling face after he finally awoke around 8:15 this morning. He was happy and was talking to me about his bad dreams while he got dressed and then had some breakfast. I tried to stress that if he wants his mom to make it to 31, he really ought to stop with the late night rendezvous. I'm hoping he's on board with that plan.
The pictures above in the little orange shirt (Thank you Aunt Libby!) were from this morning. You can't stay mad at them long when they're that adorable.
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