Friday afternoon, we went straight to Aunt Libby's house to see Brooke's finished (and beautiful, might I add) nursery. Literally, all they're missing is the baby...and we can't wait! Joshua attempted to rearrange her living room (too many temptations for little fingers) and then we decided to scram. We had a typical evening with Nana and Pap at their house. We sat in the garage, enjoyed the mild August weather, and chased (let me specify- watched Libby chase) Joshua around the driveway. He was happily reunited with his mower, and it was as if they'd been away from each other for years. It was really a week, but he SURE was happy to see that mower again. We visited with Pappy Ray a little bit and had a nice supper together. Tractor rides #1 and #2 happened before bedtime on Friday and Joshua was thrilled! The pictures in his little striped shirt are from one of our many giggle fests this weekend. Joshua was "calling somebody" on Libby's cell phone and thought it was very funny when Zig would make the phone ring. It scared him and he'd quickly hand it off to Libby and then crack up laughing. Simple pleasures...
Saturday morning, Libby, Joshua and I did a quick errand to the Bon Ton and then headed down to the church for the reunion. I wish I could tell you that this is one of our favorite family gatherings, but I can't. I believe Libby was called Megan at least 3 times. And I was called Libby and asked when my baby is due at least 2. And that's precisely why we aren't fond of this particular party---- no one knows us well enough to know who we belong to and in what order we were born. I suppose that's typical of all family reunions....but when it was Joshua's nap time, we took the excuse to get out of dodge. Joshua was a real champ during the picnic. He talked nicely with everyone, read books with Nana and Ne Ne. Swung on the swings with Libby and Stephanie and ate a relatively good lunch. He deserved his nap and he didn't fight it for one second.
Saturday evening, Libby and I treated ourselves to a taco salad from the OIP (a Lewistown favorite of mine) and then played with Joshua around the house. As the evening progressed, we thought about taking Joshua out to the fire house to see Uncle Zig and show him the fire trucks. He loved it. He had that same mesmerized look on his face that he seems to get when he sees something or tries something for the first time that just blows his mind. Uncle Zig let him drive the truck, let him sit in the seats in the back, let him touch the radios and even turned the lights on for him. (He really liked that part and has continued to say "Uncle Zig turn lights on" ever since we got home today.) He tried on Zig's helmet and even rang the bell on the truck. The only scared moment was when Zig tried to give him a "ride" by letting the driver's seat down. His lower lip came out and he cried for a second, but then went right back into ringing the bell. I'd say it was a hit.
Today we headed home and have managed to clean the entire house, put away all of our stuff from the weekend, fold and put away two loads of laundry (with a few more to go), play a whole bunch and get Joshua down for his nap. Daddy is expected home in a few more hours after a very long drive home from Connecticut. Joshua is very excited to see him and has been asking "When Daddy home?" all afternoon. I know he'll be thrilled to see him come walking in the door.
It really was a great weekend. I hope you enjoy the pictures. They capture the fun pretty well, but I wish you could have heard that giggle....it was priceless.

Richard Reunion...Maitland Church of the Brethren Pavillion
Fizer Trucks with Uncle Zig in Burnham
1 comment:
Here we go with this spacing thing again. My one Blogger gripe...
Sorry guys!
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