If there was any doubt that Joshua is 100% boy, the mystery was disspelled this weekend. He had such fun playing with dirt, riding Pap's tractor and learning how to ride his new Gator! He's still talking about it and asking to see the video and pictures, and wondering when we're going back to Nana and Pap's house again. It's funny, but "soon" doesn't have much value when you're almost 2 and very anxious.
The end of last week didn't exactly go as planned. Poor Joshua had a little trouble with his Mister (a new term that I'm more fond of than others that would be suitable to write about). His circumcision site has always been an issue. At every well-baby visit to the pediatrician's office, they have to reopen it due to adhesions. Needless to say, Joshua has never been happy about that. And despite the care that we're instructed to give to it, it's always grown back together within hours of being opened again. They've always told me that it would likely take care of itself as he grew...and it did. On Thursday morning. And oh my goodness was Josh in pain. We ended up taking him to the doctor on Friday morning and they looked at it, determined that there could be an infection, and prescribed antibiotics and Neosporin at every diaper change. (You can imagine how happy he was with that!) I'm happy to report that he's looking much better after a few days, and hasn't complained or whimpered about it much since Friday. I felt so awful for him and just wished I could have made it better. Poor little man. Luckily for him the doctors don't think that his circumcision needs to be redone. And boy was I pleased to hear that.
So Mommy had an unexpected day at home with Joshua on Friday. But don't worry--- we had plenty to do. We were at the doctor's appointment, then stopped at the office with Joshua's breakfast treat of his first Dunkin Donuts munchkin (and, for the record, he wasn't very impressed). Then we got groceries, ate lunch and got packed up for the trip to Lewistown until Daddy got home from work.
At Nana and Pap's house, Joshua was thrilled to spend time with a lot of family members who came by to visit with him. He, of course, ran right to his Aunt Libby. I'm constantly amazed (though not a bit surprised) by how much he loves her. If she would leave the room, even for a second, he would start looking for her. He just can't get enough. And, I think she's pretty cool too, but he's IN LOVE. He loved hanging out with Uncle Zig, like always. I'm not sure how this is going to go when he has to share Aunt Libby and Uncle Zig with Brooke...which could be as soon as tomorrow, and as late as Wednesday. I CAN'T WAIT! Cell phone will be in my hand until I know she's here safe and sound. Joshua got to visit with Pappy Ray, Pappy Fred and Freda, as well as Stephanie. It was loads of fun, and he really had a great time. We all got to watch the PSU game and cheered together as Pappy Fred went out on the porch to play the Fight Song after each score. I'm sure the neighbors loved it.
Yesterday afternoon was very cute with Joshua. He awoke from his nap and was talking about Brooke...which he does often. I'm thinking his infatuation is with all things Wray related. I asked him if he was going to hold the baby once she was here and he said "yes". Then I asked him to show me how he would hold her and handed him his giraffe to demonstrate with. Libby would have freaked, but he held him upside down and kind of rough. So I showed him how to hold the "baby" and we practiced a bit. Let's just say that any interactions between Joshua and Brooke will need to be closely monitored....very closely monitored.
It was a great weekend. Needless to say, there will be many more Lewistown trips in the comings day as we go to spend time with our newest favorite miniature person in the family. There's nothing more joyful than a perfect, brand new baby...and to share that with my sister, one of the people whom I love the most on the whole Earth, couldn't be more of a blessing. We'll pray for a speedy, complication free delivery. Hurry up Baby Brooke---- the world awaits you!
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