10. Joshua got to meet Brooke for the first time on Sunday evening. Amazingly, Libby was feeling well enough to come to Mom and Dad's house for supper. I think that getting out of the house was probably the most important part of that equation, and we enjoyed every single second. Pictures follow of Joshua meeting Brooke and interacting with her for the first time. He was very intrigued and wanted desperately to "help" her with things (bink, bottle, etc.) He did give her several kisses so that was very sweet.

9. Fall air! I don't know about where everyone else is, but Monday felt like a real fall day and I couldn't have been more excited. I had packed long pants for us, but definitely not long sleeve shirts, so Nana had to make a quick shopping run to pick up a sweatshirt or long sleeve t-shirt for Joshua in order to play outside. She came home with some adorable stuff for him. Let the fall season begin----summer's OVER!!
8. Special play time with Nana. Joshua decided that he would rather stay at mom and dad's house and play with Nana while I went out to spend a little more time with Brooke and Libby on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. They played outside the whole time I was gone both days and climbed on Pap's tractor, played with all of the extension cords in the garage (unplugged, of course, before anyone calls the Safety Patrol on us) and rode the Gator all over the place. Joshua had a blast and I loved my chances to spend some quiet, uninterrupted time with Libby and Brooke.
7. TRACTOR RIDES! I believe the complete count was up to 4 total tractor rides by the time we left Lewistown this afternoon. And each ride had its own adventure. One time, they saw a flock of turkeys. Once they went to visit Pappy Fred and Freda. This afternoon they finally caught up with John and Digger and Mia (Joshua's favorite puppy friends in Lewistown) and John gave Joshua a juice box for the ride back up the hill. He was in his glory when he returned.
6. Not really a highlight, but a good story nonetheless...DEAD DEAD BIRD. On one of Joshua and Nana's adventures outside, they discovered a bird who had met his maker by crashing into the windows on the side of the house. Joshua was completely mesmerized by the bird and stood looking at it from inside the house repeating "dead dead bird" over and over again. Pap finally returned to throw it into the woods this morning.
5. Joshua's first campfire. Last evening, Dad had a Kiwanis project going on at the local park and suggested that if Mom and I were looking for something to do, we could bring Joshua out to the park for a while. It was far too nice of a night to sit inside, so we packed Joshua up for an evening of fresh air at the playground. It turned out that Pap and the other Kiwanians had a campfire going and Joshua just loved it. He did learn that it was "hot" and that he couldn't go close to it, but he's been talking about that quite a bit since we got home this afternoon. It was fun to be back at the park because of all the time I spent there while growing up. All of the Relay for Life activities I participated in as a Key Clubber, and the mini golf course we played growing up were all there. And truly, nothing about that place has changed. Add to that the surreal feeling of being there with our son and seeing people that I had known during high school being there with their own kids...it was strange, but tons of fun.
4. Green Ice Cream... One of my favorite family recipes is jello & ice cream (and it has to be lime jello for me!) and it just so happened that Mom had prepared that for dessert on Sunday evening when we arrived. Joshua has never had much in the way of desserts, mostly because we can't get him to eat the food he's SUPPOSED to eat, so there isn't a lot of reward with dessert for him. But he ate a wonderful dinner on Sunday night and had deserved a taste of "green ice cream" (as he called it). I have never seen him dive into anything like he did that dessert. He wound up eating two bowls of it that night and another after his dinner on Monday. Grandma Mary would have been so proud of him.
3...2...and 1...Brooke Brooke and Brooke! The entire purpose of our trip was to spend time with Libby and Zig and Brooke and we tried to do as much of that as we could without completely wearing out our welcome in Burnham. Brooke is so sweet and Libby and Zig are doing such a wonderful job getting adjusted to parenthood. It was just a blessing to watch it all. We served as gophers for Lib, which worked out wonderfully. I distinctly recall the feelings of utter helplessness once Jason returned to work following our c-section. I wasn't allowed to go anywhere and there are sometimes just things that you need. So, we tried to help do whatever it was that she needed. Laundry switched or started...done. Bottles washed...I'm your girl. Spit up cleaner upper....Aunt Meg's specialty. But just getting to be in the same house with that precious baby girl made me feel like I had won the lottery. I particularly enjoyed watching Joshua react to her. And the most special times were when it was just Libby and I talking together without the rush of a million people in and out, when I could hold Brooke, snuggle with her, and tell her how much we love her. Being an aunt is pretty amazing. And I can only hope to be the kind of aunt to Brooke that Libby is to Joshua. Enjoy a few pictures of this little bug...
And, most importantly, if Daddy is checking this from his Blackberry at the hotel, we miss you and we love you very much. Can't wait until you get home on Friday!
More soon!
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