Friday, October 3, 2008

The haircut that wasn't...

I don't have any pictures to share with you yet this morning since Joshua is sleeping (though stirring) upstairs as I type a quick update. But yesterday was a real treat with him...sense the sarcasm?

It began at 4:15 yesterday morning when Joshua awoke screaming. This is always a dangerous waking time, and the one I most dread. Usually, he's rested enough that the prospect of going back to sleep isn't appealing, but he's not gotten enough sleep to keep from being a monster through the day. And that's exactly what happened.

I had left the office a little early yesterday in order to get home and take Josh for a haircut at his favorite barber shop (the only one he's ever been to, but he talks about Rene like he's known her for ages). He was fine until it was his turn to get into the chair (in my lap of course). And that's when it all went downhill. Suddenly, he went into meltdown mode- screaming, high pitched sqealing, the whole bit. I felt so embarrassed, but we tried to coax him into letting Rene cut his hair. He was having none of it, and we weren't about to attempt a haircut with him squirming and screaming. So, he's still shaggy. That's never happened before, aside from the normal few tears you might expect for his first haircut.

The rest of the evening followed a similar pattern. Something didn't go his way.....turn on the waterworks. Joshua gets told "no"....let the tantrum begin. It went on most of the evening until we decided that it was tub time and got him ready for bed. I started that at about 7:15 and, despite the fact that he was exhausted, he still fought it until after 9. He woke three times during the night, and is still snoring now. Let's pray for a better day today.

So, as you can imagine, I don't have many good pictures from last night or yesterday afternoon to share. If you want to see a happy, content baby, please check out my sister's blog for my most precious niece (link to the left). Libby and I giggled last evening that we had no idea how hard it was going to be to have a conversation with each other once we both had kids. Every time we get on the phone anymore, one of them freaks out. So our talks have been short....very short. So, Lib....we love you, we're thinking about you, and we can't wait to see you guys again soon. (That's the important stuff we'd cover on the phone...but we've yet to make it that far!)

Have a great Friday everyone!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I was just checking out some of the other blogs you follow and couldn't help but notice that your friend spells her daughter (Halle's) middle name just like we spell Cooper's ---Jae. She might not be thrilled to hear that, but I thought it was cool. In Korean it means 'to be rich and prosper'. Anyway, just thought I would share that. Shane shares that name also. It was his Korean name. Have a good weekend.
p.s. Tell her I LOVE the Lonestar song!