Friday, March 13, 2009

An update on the little one...

Not THAT little one.

I had a great treat this morning to be able to swing by the house in the middle of the day and catch Joshua by surprise. He and Grandma were outside, freezing their noses and cheeks off, blowing off some steam in the yard. Joshua is SO anxious for the warmer weather, to the point where he's asking almost daily to go outside. It surely has been a long winter. So I snapped a few pictures...couldn't resist.

Now, onto the really little one. 3.81 cm little. (But that seems awfully big to me seeing as how we've gone from the size of a sesame seed to that. I had to pull out a ruler to really get an idea of how big that is, so don't feel bad if you have to.) Our appointment yesterday was another good one. Everything looks great. We got to have another ultrasound, and saw the baby wiggling like a maniac. Arms and legs were going every which direction. Never did we witness anything like that with Joshua! The baby's little heartbeat was fluttering away. We were measuring for October 3rd compared to our first due date of October 6th. Dr. Miller said, "So, basically the same difference." Obviously he's never been pregnant. 3 days is a BIG DEAL if you're the fat lady.

The plot thickens a little bit as it relates to delivery. Do any of you recall that Dr. Miller was on vacation a few weeks before my due date with Joshua? Well, he was in Hawaii for two weeks in early October 2006 returning on the day our labor adventure began. We're getting the sneaking suspiscion that this is an annual trip. He asked us if we had discussed delivery options at our first appointment, and I said yes, but we hadn't made any complete decisions. He again suggested the date of September 30th (his birthday, for what it's worth) if we want to schedule a repeat c-section by saying, "I still like September." I asked about waiting until October 7th, the day after my due date (he does scheduled sections on Wednesdays) to see if I go on my own. He then suggested that we could wait until the 14th if I wanted to go that route. Huh? (By the way, I quickly declined that option. 41 weeks is out of the question.) So Jason and I looked at each other, and he asked exactly what I was thinking. "Are you planning another trip for early October?" And then he said with a smirk, "I still like September."<

As soon as Dr. Miller left the room, I looked at Jason and told him that I am NOT going to deliver with another doctor if it can be avoided. With how complicated things were last time, and the different care I received at the hospital when I went in with concerns and he was in Hawaii, I just don't trust that anyone else is going to help me like he will. I'm still convinced that if I had seen a doctor, particularly MY doctor, the day that I had to go in for monitoring after not feeling movement all day, Joshua would have been born a week and a half earlier, and perhaps not by c-section. So that's in the back of my mind. All this to say...we're leaning toward scheduling for September 30th. As the due date edges closer and closer to that date, I also realize that there's a chance I could go into labor on my own prior to the surgery. If I do and this body decides to work for once, I'll give my best effort at a VBAC as long as that appears to be a safe choice. If not, we'll get the baby here safe and sound in the hands of the doctor we both feel comfortable with and who knows us. So that's the scoop. No more appointments until April 9th.


Emily said...

Good plan...but are you kidding, these kids are 1/2 Richard and they never do anything as planned OR the easy way. Good thing they're cute!
Have a wonderful weekend.

Lindsay, Ian and Lila said...

What is it with this guy and vacations!?! Guess you should have known better than to have another October baby :)
Glad to hear everything looks good- I still remember seeing that first ultrasound with Lila swimming around in there- instant love!