We had quite a busy weekend, running to and from Camp Victory for the Key Club Board Trainer. I was hoping for a much nicer weekend, weather wise, than the one we got. My plans of letting Joshua run about the camp didn't exactly pan out when he needed arctic weather gear to be outside. We went out Friday afternoon after he boycotted his nap, and unloaded our goods in the pouring down rain at the camp. Then we ate dinner with the group after they arrived and headed home for an early bath and bedtime. I know you'll find this hard to believe, but Jason and I actually sat down...together...and watched a movie on Friday night. Honest. I'm not lying. I can tell you that it's been since Joshua was a small baby that we've done that. I had snagged a copy of Marley and Me, so that's what we watched. Talk about a tear jerker. But also a pretty honest account of how your life changes with a baby...and another baby.
Saturday morning, Joshua and I left for Camp again because I had some responsibilities there during the day. We stayed until about 4:00....yep, no nap again that day...and then headed back home for dinner with Daddy. Early to bed again on Saturday night for Joshua. I have to tell you that these two days with no naps have been the only solid nights of sleep Joshua has had in recent memory. If he wasn't such a crab without that nap, I'd suggest dropping it altogether. But I know he still needs at least some sleeping time during the day.
Sunday morning we got up and went to church. Joshua was seeming interested in going to kids church, and was being sufficiently scroochy (I don't know if that's a real word, but I use it all the time), so off he...I mean "we" went. I tried to leave him there and went to the restroom before coming back to peek in on him. No peeking necessary. I could hear him wailing through the door AND the bathroom door. The poor teacher had 10 little children in the class, was holding Joshua in her lap, and still singing with the others. I had to rescue her and ended up staying to help with the class. 10 little people is just too much for one teacher. Especially when one of them is screaming bloody murder. All I can say is God bless his preschool teacher. I'm already praying for her and I have no idea who she will be yet or even where he'll be going.
Sunday afternoon Jason and I watched yet another movie. Amazing. This time it was Will Smith's Seven Pounds. Good movie. I'm still working my way through processing that one. It was sweet and disturbing all at the same time. After the movie and nap time, we headed outside to play for as long as the sun shone. In fact, we even dumped our dinner plans and ended up ordering Ciro's because I couldn't bear to come inside to cook when it was so nice and warm outside. Joshua loved it, too. Spring....hurry up and get here already!
We're gearing up for a trip to Lewistown on Friday to spend some much needed time with my family. I miss them...a lot. Our phone conversations have been short and rushed...or haven't even fit into our we-shouldn't-be-this-busy schedules. And I hate it when that happens. I just need a few days to be WITH THEM. All of them. In the same place. Eating good food. Enjoying our beautiful children and laughing about the silly things they do now and what we used to do. Hunting for Easter eggs. Going to church. The whole thing.
Can't wait.
And in other random tidbits...I was signing Joshua up for summer music class when I opened the website for Susquehanna University's Music Prep program. And who did I see there? LOOK!
It's Joshua! This was from last fall's session and is the big drum that the kids sit around and play with Miss Allison while we sing the "Listen to the drum" song. He's sitting next to his favorite friends...Ella and Elsa. (I'm sorry to tell you that the class had two Ellas and two Elsas in it. But the ones he's sitting between were his most favorite. I only know that because he talked about them all the time leading up to music class. When actually IN their presence, he would shrink into a shy mess and barely say hello.) The little girl looking away totally and not paying attention was Emily, a spirited little girl who got moved to a different class because she didn't exactly listen.....not even a little bit. She did, however, have the cutest pigtails EVER, with little squiggly bows in them every single week that matched her clothes. I notice those things especially because I have a son. And the most fun thing I get to do with his hair is to put the soap suds in it at bathtime and watch him giggle when he looks at himself in the spigot and sees the white foamy bubbles on his head.
But I digress...a lot. Music class will resume in June. I just thought you'd enjoy seeing the photo since I've never snuck a camera in there with me. Why not, I wonder?
And, so as not to drag this on any longer than I need to, I'm 14 weeks pregnant today. No more first trimester. Our next appointment is Thursday afternoon. I'll post about that on Thursday if there's anything interesting to report besides pounds gained.
Hey Megan,
While reading your blog I got to thinking about the little Edgewood Place kids. I've been going through hundreds upon hundreds of pictures the last several months (Emily says I have a sickness when I do this kind of stuff)and have thoroughly enjoyed looking at pictures of you kids when you were small. Gee you guys were cute!!!
Now THAT would be fun to get together and look through some of those pictures!
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