We've been doing quite a bit of time travel at our house lately. Remember Christmas in July? Well, last night, Jason took Joshua on a little trip down Memory Lane into the 1980's. The rain had squelched our plans of an outside evening mowing our now more than ankle high grass (thank you very much rain showers every day at 4:30). So Jason decided it would be a good idea to see how Joshua did with a very educational game of Pac Man on the X-box. Because when you're 2, you'd better start honing your hand-eye coordination if you ever have dreams of being a good video game player. Or something like that.
I have to say, I was rather impressed with Joshua's mastery of up-down-left-right directional maneuvers. He quite often got himself backed into corners and got eaten by ghosts, but just flash back to your first time playing Super Mario Brothers (the original one) and imagine how many times it took of running into the little mushroom men before you figured out how to not do that anymore. And I was about 10 when I was working on mastering that.
I've now also become the joke of our household for things other than my pregnancy induced snoring, frequent falls and spills, and the other normal things that Jason likes to pick on me about. He's amazed at the fact that I have never actually played Pac Man myself. My only memories of Pac Man as a child were at my Aunt Karen's house where Scott and Cory had an original Atari that I was far too small and most definitely too uncool to play. But I do remember them playing it and having fun. Maybe if I would have developed the coordination and skill necessary to master the game, I wouldn't have had such a hard time with Mario when the 1990's hit and Santa brought us a Nintendo. Hmmmm.
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