Christmas festivities begin this weekend with a trip to Lewistown tomorrow for the first of our family celebrations. I'm beyond excited and can't wait to see all of the "kids" (my generation) and their kids! I've got packing and baking on my list of things to do today to get ready. Packing is really of the utmost importance, but I am feeling quite side tracked by a recipe we saw on the Food Network last weekend for Paula Deen's brownies with Andes candies in them. Until I get them baked, I don't think I can focus on something as mundane as packing. I'm taking them to the party tomorrow because I'm pretty sure if I don't, we'll consume the entire pan of them. And really, that many calories onto this body is not necessary.
I pulled a late night on Wednesday evening finishing the wrapping job for all of the presents that have accumulated in our basement. I'm quickly learning that being Santa's helper is a big job, and requires many late night shifts and a lot of sneaky behavior. There are still 3 things that need to be wrapped prior to our departure for Lewistown on Wednesday afternoon, but I think I can manage them between now and then...once Alan, the UPS man, brings them to me. What would I have done without Alan this Christmas season? Perhaps I should share my brownies with him.
Update: Brownie disaster. They did not look like this when Paula Deen baked them. They may not be salvageable.
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