I always want to remember how excited Joshua was when I came home to pick him up. I had been fully prepared for him to be nervous or apprehensive. But instead, he greeted me, hopping up and down like a kangaroo, saying, "Mommy! I'm so glad you're home! Do I get to go to school now?" When I told him "Yes" he said, "This is SO great!" I almost couldn't tie his shoes fast enough. He was on his way to the car, smiling ear to ear.
I want to remember the conversation we had in the car when I pulled into the parking lot. I was sure this is where it would all fall apart. He'd see the school and decide that he'd be better off at home playing with Grandma. But instead, he asked me how many days a week he was going to get to go to school. When I told him 3 days, he started to negotiate for 4. I assured him that more days each week would happen soon enough and then chuckled to myself that I'm sure he'll be attempting to negotiate the reverse in a few short years.
I want to remember him walking tall and proud into his classroom and giving each of his new teachers a hug. I was fully expecting a meltdown at any moment, but he listened carefully as Mrs. Mabus and Mrs. Shaffer explained to him where his cubby was located and that he had arrived just in time to paint with Q-Tips (right up his alley!). This was an answer to prayer as well, since he had in his mind that going to school = painting. I'm so glad he wasn't disappointed.
I want to remember the care that everyone is taking to protect him and know how to care for his allergy situation. He got to meet the school nurse and we dropped off his epi-pen to keep there. I'm still working with them on appropriate documents and treatment plans for the event that he gets into something that causes him trouble, but I have been very pleased with how it has been handled. This is especially important since his blood work came back yesterday and he has become MORE allergic to nuts since last January. He was a 5 on the 0-6 scale last year. He's still a 5, but has moved to the high 5 category needing "relentless vigilance" as it was explained to me by the doctor when they called yesterday. I find it ironic that the first paper Joshua brought home in his red folder yesterday was a number 12 worksheet that had him counting 12 peanuts and coloring them brown. Doesn't that just figure.
I want to remember the scene in his classroom upon my return. When I came to the doorway (again, fully expecting to find him in a puddle of tears over a realization that I had left), I saw a smiling bunch of 3 year olds sitting quietly at their table wearing feathers on their heads. He had his coat on, his backpack on his back and came bounding to the doorway to greet me. Mrs. Mabus said that when she told him to get his coat from his cubby he said, "Is school over already? Can't I stay longer?" By their reports he had done fantastically. He had listened, participated and wasn't upset by being there. My heart was doing cartwheels.
By all accounts the first day at school was a raving success. I feel guilty for not giving Joshua enough credit, but certainly his past performance gave us plenty of reason to be fearful. I'm just so glad that it went well for him and was a good experience. I was beyond proud of him and continue to be for the sweet little boy he's turning into.
I sure am lucky to be your Mommy, Joshua.
I'm fully prepared for a snow day tomorrow. I'll be working on some cooking for a dinner delivery I agreed to make to a family at our church who just had a new baby. So I'll cook tomorrow to deliver it to them on Thursday. Otherwise we'll be doing laundry and some cleaning and just enjoying a good old fashioned snow day together. I can't wait!
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