Photo strike ended. This was what I got when I asked him to give me the cheesiest smile he could muster.

It really feels to me like she's growing in the past week or so. I don't know if it's the rice cereal or just that I've had her in my arms for a week, but I can see changes in her since I've been home.

Cupcakes......baked. And can I just say that I will never again spread icing from a can on cupcakes. We just discovered the icing in a can (a la whipped cream or Easy Cheese). Normally I like to make my own icing, but in the case of needing one cupcake, I wasn't about to whip up a batch of icing. So we used the stuff from the can. Pretty slick if I do say so myself.

I was so proud of Joshua yesterday. When we were in the kitchen working on his cupcakes, he sat down in front of the refrigerator and rattled off these letters in perfect order from top to bottom. He wasn't really taking much time to think about it, as he has in the past. He just read them down. The funny part was that when I made a big deal about it and started clapping for him, he took a bow. Add to this the fact that he has just about learned the Pledge of Allegiance (after only four real days of nursery school) and learned to sing the song, "I Am A Promise" and I'm beyond thrilled about our choice to start him in school now and not wait until the fall. It's obviously helping him. And the fact that his face lights up when he wakes up and knows it's a school day just makes me so happy. I know I'll need to remember these days when he's grumbling and groaning about getting ready to go to 8th grade.
Besides the pictures, I'm really searching for something new to say here. Grandma is still sick. Snow was expected to be far worse than it ended up being. But we made the decision last night just to round out the week here at home. Laundry is just about caught up. House is cleaned (minus the bathrooms, but I hope to kick their butts today). It appears that nursery school is ON for this afternoon since the school only has a 2 hr delay, so it looks like our cupcake baking was not in vain. I also got the bright idea to attempt freezing half the batch of cupcakes to see if that's an option for these quick "I need a cupcake for a birthday party/school treat/whatever might come up" kind of things. I put them in about 8 layers of freezer burn protection, so we'll see what kind of shape they're in when I get them out.
I can hear Lauren waking, so I'd better get to her before she wakes up her brother. I might still be able to get another half hour out of him this morning if I'm lucky.
Happy weekend everyone!
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