Now that I've just turned 5 months old, I thought it was time that I did some speaking for myself. I know Mommy likes to type for me and tell you all about my latest tricks, but I think it's time I took a turn.
I spend my days a lot like this....rolling around on the floor. I've mastered rolling both ways now. It must be a big deal because of the way Mommy always claps and says "YAY!" when I do it. The novelty has worn off for me now, but I continue to do it to make her happy. Sometimes, just for fun, I'll roll from one side of the room to the other when Mommy and Daddy aren't watching. I like seeing the surprised look on their faces when they find me in a completely different place than they put me down. I love my play mat. Mommy tells me that it used to be Brookie's toy and she's sharing it with me. I always look confused until Mommy reminds me that Brooke is my cousin.....the one who likes to kiss me.....a whole lot. Then it all comes rushing back to me.
I probably am getting close to weighing 12 pounds now. Everyone has been commenting lately about the fact that I seem like I'm growing. I'm pretty lucky not to have had to see the doctor lately, so I don't know for sure. Hopefully we'll make it to our 6 month appointment before I have to go back to that office where they tend to jab me with things that both Mommy and I dislike. I'm still very comfortably wearing 3 month clothes. Mommy told me I better hurry up and grow if I want to keep pace with Brooke and get to wear all of her pretty clothes. I'm still wearing size 1 diapers.
I've taken a real liking to rice cereal. Mommy keeps telling me that the good stuff is coming. I have no idea what that means, but I smile at her and giggle when she says it because I know it makes her happy. She keeps saying that if I like rice cereal (and then she makes a yucky face), she can't wait to give me something called pears and applesauce. I'm just glad to be widening my food repertoire (Mommy had to help me spell that one...I'm only 5 months old, you know) and filling up my belly before I go to bed at night. I've started getting back into my good sleeping habits and only wake once at the most during the night to eat and make sure Mommy is still around. Then I quickly close my eyes and go back to dreaming for a few more hours before it's time to rise and shine again. Mommy continues to tell me how thankful she is that I'm a good sleeper and an excellent eater. She says something about my brother and how hard he was on her. I'd never do that to her!
I do lots and lots of smiling and giggling, babbling and blowing raspberries. The most entertaining thing I've got going during the day is Joshua. That kid is a riot! He's always doing silly things like dancing and singing and making silly faces at me. Most of the time he doesn't pay me too much attention, but I still watch him constantly. Mostly I think I should keep an eye on him to help Mommy and Grandma, but I also love him a whole bunch and like to see what he's up to. I can't wait until I'm big enough to join in his fun.
Mostly, I get lots and lots of snuggles and kisses from my Mommy and Daddy. Mommy says she loves my chubby cheeks the best and always kisses them. I love that. She tells me that she loves me as high as the sky. I don't know much about skies, but I sure do love my mama and I'm glad she loves me.
I'll talk to you all again soon.
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