1. Most of the animals who now live here were once pets that people found they could no longer handle. It brought to mind the whole pet chimpanzee tragedy from a few years ago. I felt a little sad for the animals, honestly. But it blew my mind that someone would have thought to have a pet peacock......I mean, really? Who would think that's really a good idea?
2. It's hard to put the chaos of that many small people and their parents into words. So if the pictures look chaotic, it is most certainly a truthful representation.
3. My son has a love affair with mud puddles. I know this because it rained buckets both last night and this morning WHILE we were visiting T&D's. Joshua proceeded to jump in every single cotton picking mud puddle. He was soaked to his knees and I literally poured water out of his sneakers when we got to his friend's mom's vehicle that we carpooled in this morning. G-ROSS!
4. Emus are nasty and quite aggressive! The tour guide gave each of the kids a hand full of food to feed the goats, deer and emus and they were just about pecking off the kids' little fingers! Some of the kids were scared. Joshua....well, let's just say he was not. He stuck his whole face into the fence as if to taunt these evil birds into pecking his nose right off of his face. Emus.....not my favorite.
6. After seeing the (gorgeous and amazing) tigers, the only logical thing to do next is to crouch down on the ground and pretend you ARE one....tiger face and all.
After a thrilling two hours viewing animals and getting pecked at by the emus, we had a gourmet brown bag lunch on the picnic tables. Please recall that it had poured down rain no more than an hour earlier. Now imagine yourself sitting on those benches. Yep......you got it. At the end of the trip, Joshua had a dry strip on the legs of his jeans that was approximately 2 inches wide somewhere around mid-thigh. Otherwise, he was completely drenched.
I think everyone had a really good time today. I certainly count my blessings that I am able to take time from the office to be at these kinds of events along with him. One little boy was there without his parents, and I have to tell you that I was quite sad for him. All the other parents took him in as one of their own, but it still must have felt strange for him to be there without his mom or dad when everyone else had theirs.
The next few weeks are quite busy in Nursery School land as we prepare for next Friday's field day (I'm picturing the Buchanan Elementary potato sack races that I used to love when I was a kid!) and the big preschool graduation that the Nursery School kids perform in. So many bloggable events....and so many wonderful memories.
And, not to be outdone by her brother, this is what Lauren thought about being left at home while Joshua was off in the wild with Mommy.........this is her snoot face and I just can't get enough of it. Her personality is multiplying every day...as is my heart full of love for her.
And, not to be outdone by her brother, this is what Lauren thought about being left at home while Joshua was off in the wild with Mommy.........this is her snoot face and I just can't get enough of it. Her personality is multiplying every day...as is my heart full of love for her.
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