Monday, June 28, 2010

Bible School Pictures

Here are a few pictures from our adventures at Bible School last week. I have to tell you, you wouldn't think that it would be that big of a deal to get home from work, eat a quick bite of supper and then get the kids over to the church (a whole 1/4 mile away) to start Bible School at 6:00. Maybe it wouldn't have been a big deal for a Mom more organized than me, but by the time Friday rolled around, I felt like I'd had a good beating.

The good news is that Joshua had a great time. And that's why we do the things we do, isn't it? Lauren was along for 4 of the 5 nights and was a real trooper.

Enjoy the pictures!

During story time with Miss Sarah teaching using her very cool "space apron".

A ping pong ball race...

A spirited water game outside. The kids LOVED this one!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I've been meaning to post this.

Wow...has this ever been a wild few days.

This is one of those weeks where I'm testing the theory of whether or not you can actually have it all. Can you work, feed your family (including nursing a baby), get everyone to Bible School from 6-8 each night, get the kids cleaned up and in bed obviously with some help from Daddy and get up to start it all over again the next day?

The answer so far is can do it. But it isn't pretty! So, I've been well intentioned about getting an update on the blog, but to this point, it hasn't gone further than that. So, here you go...the recap of the last few days.

The weekend was a great one. Daddy is in super study-mode gearing up for his big exam on Monday. I know we haven't been making it easy for him. It's certainly not on purpose, but there is a definite limit on how quiet we can be with a 3 year old and an 8 month old and the yelling that is necessary to keep said children from killing themselves or each other. I really feel for Jason and how he's having to stop and start with his studying. I know I couldn't be doing what he is doing by working the hours that he is and then having to come home and stuff his brain full of information to pass the test. It'll soon be over, and I know he's looking forward to a well deserved break and more time to play with the kids and do some of the little trips we want to do this summer. So, to assist in the small way I could, I took the kids (yes, both of them) to the mall on Saturday. Joshua wanted to ride the carousel and it was too stinking hot to do anything outside. Our maiden voyage to the mall as a threesome went relatively well. Lauren seems to enjoy the stroller now, and she even travelled well both to and from. This is progress!

Sunday we went to church while Jason studied and then spent the afternoon at home doing house things that needed to be done. Joshua learned the joy of squirt guns and, I believe, shot everything both living and dead on our property at least three times. I know this because of the number of times we filled up the water gun. Somewhere mid-afternoon as the heat and humidity reached unbearable levels, we noticed that the house was warm. Our thermostat is usually set to 73. It was 75. But the heat pump wasn't running. 75 quickly turned into 78, then 82, then 85, and finally reached 90 (in the cool part of the house) when I stopped looking. Clearly, something was wrong. So, we all spent the rest of the day crabby and sweating. It was grand. Sleeping on Sunday night was icky at best and flashed me back to the hot summer nights that I tried unsuccessfully to sleep at Edgewood Place with no a/c. Sorry Dad, but I let the kids have fans on them through the night, lest we had concern of heat stroke. Monday brought the arrival of the air conditioning man, Brian, and his magic tools. It was a cool (actually felt chilly) 72 when I got home Monday after work. The best $134.60 I've spent in a long time.

This is the view we get most of the time. Below is the view I like the most!

Monday evening started the annual adventure that is Bible School. Things are going much better this year than they did last year. It's amazing what the difference between age 2 and age 3 makes in terms of behavior, listening skills and ability to not make me lose my mind. It's a good thing because Lauren has been in my arms for the entirety of the Bible School experience so far. This year, I've gotten the recipes for the Bible School snacks ahead of time and have been making the same thing for Joshua to eat with the other kids rather than bringing him fruit snacks or cookies that are safe for him during snack time. It's been a lot of extra work, but it does my heart good to see him sitting down to eat a snack that looks JUST like the ones that everyone else has. The ladies that are working with the snacks have been so kind and helpful and I'm beyond grateful to them.

Last night, I was asked to help teach the 4-6 year old class and had a blast doing it. Let's just say that it's not my calling to be a teacher, but it was super fun to do it for a short period. Jason came along last night to occupy Lauren for the 20 minutes of our lesson time and did an awesome job. He had walked her until she fell asleep for a much needed cat nap. When she awoke, she spent the remaining hour eating puffs (which she can now get from pincher grasp to her little mouth with ease) and smiling at everyone.

We'll be back at it again tonight, and tomorrow and Friday. Joshua is having a really good time, so whatever amount of rearranging and juggling is necessary is totally worth it, in my opinion. I definitely remember Bible School as a kid. I remember the fun we had and the songs we sang. I don't remember the work that went on behind the scenes by my mom and the other people at the church who made it all happen, but now that I'm doing it, I realize that it must have been the same for them. I hope all Joshua remembers is the fun he had and the things he learned! I'll try to remember my camera tonight to take some pictures.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dressing little girls...

This post is brought to you by the Baby Gap "crawler dress" that took me four tries to put on Lauren this morning.

Dressing Lauren is sometimes synonymous with wrestling an alligator. I recall this with Joshua, but as with many things, my memory doesn't seem to have the ability to recall the extent to which something happened. Yes, I remember he would wiggle on the changing table. But I do not recall him flipping himself from his back to his tummy mid-diaper change 47 times as Lauren does. I recall him being fascinated with the diapers and other items on the side of the table, but I do not recall an incessant need to throw everything off of the changing table and remove the cover each time we use it. This is, for the record, how a clean diaper has gone through my washer not once, but twice already since Lauren tossed the stack into her laundry basket beside the changing table and I missed taking one back out.

Add to this wrestling match the fact that I worked with the most complex piece of baby girls' clothing this morning, and it was almost comical and definitely bloggable. (Mostly it's out of exasperation that I find myself thinking about a topic long enough to piece together a blog post. So here we are.) I've had this little outfit in Lauren's closet for months thinking that it was ingenious. I LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing Lauren in cute little dresses, but it just doesn't seem practical as a crawler to have her little knees all boogered up due to the friction on the carpet. But this seemed to be the answer to the whole dilemma. It's a little dress with attached leggings, but they're only attached in the front, leaving the back open to make diaper changes easier. Perhaps that's true, but getting the thing on was nigh upon impossible. We managed on the fourth try, but the look on Lauren's face was enough to caption the whole episode. "Seriously Mom. Either get it together or pick a different outfit!"

Now that she's in it, I'm in love with it. But it was touch and go there for a minute.

Dear Gap,
Kindly attach some instructions to your adorable crawler dresses. Indicate whether I should start with putting the baby's head, arms or legs into the outfit first. Doing so will allow Mommies to appreciate the ingenuity of your creation without having to first catch their breath after dressing and undressing their wiggly alligator, I mean daughter, 16 times.

I should say that, in my experience, boys clothes are so much easier in just about every regard. There's nothing fancy about it---- no straps or cap sleeves to hide onesies under, no button up backs or tying nonsense to deal with. If you wonder what goes with a shirt you have, you're just about guaranteed to get by with a pair of khaki shorts or denim shorts (honestly, why I continue to buy anything else is the definition of stupidity). The other observation I have is that with little boys, there is no need to accessorize. I'm finding that not to be true with little girls and I know it's only going to get more intense as soon as she has enough hair to do anything with (barrettes, bows, etc.). Even shoes are a little insane...and I may have a little girl's shoe obsession due to the cuteness of such things as Pedi-Peds, See Kai Run and Shoo Shoos. Just saying. Joshua has two pairs of shoes---- one pair of sneakers and one pair of church shoes. That's it. Lauren has....well, let's just say it's more than that.

Snoot faces are rare these days, but here's a charming look at one. Don't you especially love the drool on her chin? I've been saying this for 5 months, but I think she might be teething (finally).

That's a better face, sweetheart!

And although it has literally NOTHING to do with the post above, here's a picture of King Joshua this morning. See his crown, his robe and his scepter while he's sitting on his throne? We had some DirecTV work done this morning (I don't even want to talk about it) and were without television. Although Joshua doesn't really watch the tv when it's on, the escalation in his imagination was mind blowing this morning. It was really fun to watch.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Since when am I a zookeeper?

Moms are multi-talented and our job descriptions include some of the strangest things. But I can now add zookeeper to my list of titles because Lauren is officially, without a doubt, a MONKEY!

You know of the exersaucer incident, right? Well, thankfully, there is no "incident" to report, but that's only because I was sitting right beside her as she scaled the side of the pack & play this morning. I had the nerve to put her there in order to put on my makeup before leaving for the office, and had tired of pulling her off of the stairs after 6 times. (And the little stinker was getting up three steps in the amount of time it took me to get to her...all of 10 feet away). She made it quite clear that she wasn't interested in being contained.

I sat to watch her just to see what she was doing, but it wasn't longer than a couple of seconds until she was up to her belly leaning over the edge ready to fall out of it. She pulls herself up like an overhand chin-up with her arms and then scoots her feet along the side of it to pull herself up. Had I not been watching I'm sure she'd have flipped herself right over the edge.

So...OK Mommy geniuses, I have two questions:

The first... Now what am I supposed to do? She's going to be the kid who has to have the tent over her crib isn't she?

And second... At what age do I enroll her in gymnastics lessons since I'm pretty sure she's going to be an Olympic gymnast with these kinds of moves?

I believe I would like to amend my prayer requests when I was pregnant with Lauren. I asked God for a good eater and a good sleeper, and for the most part, my prayers were answered. But if I could, I'd like to add that I'd like to have the baby that is content to sit on the floor and play nicely for more than 3 seconds at a time.

On second thought, I wouldn't change a thing. And this I'll-stop-at-nothing insatiable desire to explore her surroundings just might prove to be a pretty special character trait in our little girl. But goodness am I exhausted.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Another weekend down...

Another weekend has come and gone. More laundry done. A little tidying of the house. A whole bunch of chasing of the children. I can hear the theme music to "Days of our Lives" playing as the soundtrack to this little blurb....."Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives."

Sometimes I use the camera as my memory jogger about what we actually did all weekend long. So here you go....yet another weekend review in pictures.

I snapped a picture of Joshua with his driveway art because I was so proud of his drawing. His skills have really improved in the past several weeks. This particular masterpiece was a picture of Joshua and Grandma. He spent a good chunk of time sitting at the table on Saturday drawing pictures of characters from his books, too, and they all were recognizable. What progress from the scribbles and odd shapes we've been seeing for the past 3 years. I just love watching his face light up when he knows he did a good job on something. What a sweet boy he is!
And if that face doesn't just warm your heart, I don't know what could. Lauren is getting spunky....and seems spunkier each day! I couldn't resist snapping this when she was eating her breakfast on Saturday morning.

We spent much of the weekend playing on the floor. Lauren no longer is satisfied to be held if she's not sleeping or nursing. There's too much exploring to be done and she's attempting to set some kind of world record, I swear it. I actually caught her letting go of the couch once she had stood herself up on several occasions over the weekend. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see her take off and walk across the living room if it happened one of these days. Unbelievable.

This was the view at one point. Talk about giving Mommy a heart attack! Don't worry...and please don't alert Children and Youth on me. As soon as I snapped this picture, I ran over there and got her off of the steps. But it was her newest "mountain" to climb and she insisted on going right back over to the steps every time I pulled her off of them. It's just about time to break out the gate, but it breaks my heart to do that to poor Joshua. The steps are one of his favorite play places, and all manner of imagination happens there, so I hate to block him off from it. But it's not going to be long. Needless to say, not much else got done other than keeping both eyes on Lauren at all times this weekend!

Here's one overheated Joshua from being outside playing on Saturday afternoon. It's not sunburn---- just red cheeks and red ears from being hot.
Occasionally we'll get a sweet playing moment like this between the kids. But not very often. Let's just say it's photo worthy when it happens.

And, in other random tidbits, we were visited by a one-man-band yesterday after church. I have no idea where the idea came from, but Joshua gathered up all of his musical instruments and brought them to us yesterday afternoon requesting our help in turning him into a one man band. He giggled so hard when Jason was trying to set him up, and then marched around the house banging and clanging away. It was short lived because the weight of all those instruments had his neck very sore after a few laps of the house. But it was comical and very cute while it lasted. I do believe we caught Lauren rolling her eyes at her brother, though. See what I mean about the spunk?

In other milestone news, Lauren also learned to clap this weekend and can do "So Big!" when you ask her how big she is. It's cute.

Hope your weekend was great!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Where does the time go?

I can hardly believe it's been as long as it's been since I've blogged. But there's been good reason. Here are a few highlights.

After having been to Lewistown on Memorial Day weekend, a trip which included a stop off at the Toyota dealership for a little recall work that my Highlander needed, we returned exactly one week later due to some engine lights that were on. It turned out to be nothing, but Joshua had an opportunity to experience the waiting room of the service department. He was quite pleased to find small water bottles that he could drink from like a big boy. Lauren, as you can see, slept almost the whole time. When she did open her eyes, she was less impressed with the small water bottles than Joshua had been.

What was supposed to have been an overnight at Nana and Pap's with just me and the kids turned out not to be an overnight at all. After supper Friday night I decided that I was exhausted from chasing Joshua, correcting Joshua, helping Joshua to play nicely with Brooke and Lauren, and didn't think I had the strength to deal with an overnight of Joshua and I sharing a bed while also dealing with Lauren and her I'm-going-to-wake-up-at-least-3-times-every-night-just-to-prove-who's-boss antics. Joshua still can't manage not falling out of the big beds at Nana and Pap's, so he requires a night time chaperone. At least at home, I can spend the wee hours up with Lauren without also waking her brother (most of the time anyway). So I sincerely hoped that I hadn't offended my parents or my sister by going home early and worried about that most of the way home. But it was good to get back when we arrived prior to bedtime.

The rest of my good reason for being absent involves Lauren's recent developmental milestones. Honestly, in the past 2 weeks we have made progress that is almost too much to believe. And frankly, I'm not liking how quickly the time is flying by!
She is pulling up to stand with ease at everything. She doesn't seem to care whether things are nailed down or not, and just stands up like a pro against doors, furniture, toys, tool boxes, book bins, pant legs, and on and on and on. She is fearless and fast.

Beginning last Friday/Saturday, I'd say we officially have a crawler. She can go the entire length of the house in about 5 seconds, making it impossible to take your eye off of her for even a millisecond. The only thing working in our favor right now is that she has also taken a turn into some serious jabbering in the past couple of days, so there's a soundtrack of ma-ma-ma-ma-maaaaa and ba-ba-ba intermixed with her normal raspberries and long vowel sounds to indicate which direction she's heading. I'm beginning to learn the volume of said sounds that indicates she's within the danger zone of the dog's food and water. Learned that one the hard way when I looked around the corner to the kitchen and saw her with an entire bowl of Watson's water in her lap. She looked quite pleased until I plopped her right into the bathtub at 8:00 in the morning.

Occasionally, she'll get herself trapped under the chairs. She crawls under them and then sits up but can't lay back down without banging her head against the rails. Would it be wrong to admit that I've left her there momentarily while I finished washing a dish or filling up Joshua's sippy cup because I knew she couldn't get out?

Any free time we may have had at home is now gone because our full time job when we're home is to referee between the children. Joshua is not loving Lauren's new found mobility and doesn't seem to appreciate the fact that she can now help herself to whatever of Joshua's precious treasures she wishes to chew on. There has been a good bit of grabbing, pulling, growling and smacking going on in recent days and we've just about had it up to here. I had honestly forgotten how exhausting this stage is, but I'm definitely still supporting my previous declaration that the crawling stage is not my favorite.

As of yesterday, we also started trying little pieces broken off of Gerber Puffs and she seems to enjoy them. No choking or gagging, so I'd declare that a victory. None of this food exploration seems to be affecting her appetite or interest in nursing as we're still working that into the routine an average of 5-7 times a day. Sadly, 2-3 of those are coming during the hours that most of the world is enjoying a little shut eye. I'm convinced that she's either growing (6 month clothes are just about too small) or is really working on those teeth...or both. Between nursing and three good sized baby food meals, she's certainly eating well and appears to me to be growing.

I'll do my best not to let as much time pass until my next post!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What do the Dugans do on a LONG weekend?

You travel to Nana and Pap's house and spend your first day playing with your cousins. Lauren's first wagon ride was a hit!

You smile and giggle with your silly Aunt Libby! We really missed her on Saturday at the party!

You camp out on a thick pile of blankets in Nana and Pap's garage to stay out of the hot sun at the family party and let everyone ooh and aah about how much you've grown and how big you are now and how they can't believe you're really 8 months old already. You smile and coo and wave and act totally sweet to everyone, as long as they don't try to touch you. And you totally rock the cool little skirt with this outfit and make it one of Mommy's new favorites on you!

You help Daddy and Noah churn some homemade ice cream like a big boy...

And then gobble it up as if to prove you have Richard blood!

You enjoy a "shower" in the summer rain...without your shirt on (of course) and giggle like you've never had such fun in all your life. You try to catch as many raindrops on your tongue as possible.

And then...if you're learn how to do a whole bunch of things at once to celebrate your 8 month birthday.
Over the long weekend, she has learned to crawl (4-5 crawling steps at one time before she falls to her belly to scoot the rest of the way to what she wants) and has perfected sitting up from a laying down position. To make matters more interesting, she can also now do this...
She starts on her knees.

Gets those arms to a good gripping point...

And up she goes!

And then, we try to climb everything. She's only been pulling up to stand for a day or so, and now she's not even content to do that anymore. She's already trying to figure out how to go up and over just about everything. This monkey is going to keep us on our toes for sure!