Monday, December 27, 2010

A Christmas to remember.

We said it more than a few times over the past couple of months... "This is going to be a Christmas that we're talking about 30 years from now saying, "Remember that Christmas when we moved a few days before it?" "

I think we really are going to remember this Christmas for a long time.  As chaotic as life was in the days leading up to Christmas, the holiday itself was so peaceful.  The move was an excuse NOT to be on the road, hopping from party to party, packing and unpacking suitcases and travelling with overtired, crabby kids.  I will say that it was pretty sad for me not to be at the Richard family Christmas Eve party.  I always swore that would NEVER happen, but I can tell you that we did not have the strength it would have required to move on Wednesday and somehow have everyone organized enough to pack up again on Friday morning to head to Lewistown for the party.  I wish I did, but I didn't.  And so we tucked in for a Christmas at home.  And it was so special.

We got to go to church at our church on Christmas Eve, something we're never able to do because we're usually making the mad dash back down 522 to get the kids home after a full day of too much partying.  It was great, even though I spent half of the service in the nursery with Lauren listening to it all on the intercom.  She doesn't quite get the idea of "quiet"...since she discovered a Sesame Street coloring book in the diaper bag and started saying "Elmo Mama" over and over again during a prayer.  I took that as our sign to exit.  Quickly.  We did come back in for the candlelight service, and the only thing that could have possibly touched my heart more would have been for the whole Richard family to show up and sing "Wonderful Story of Love" for the whole First Baptist congregation.

Christmas Day was great!  Lauren slept in a little later than Joshua's 6:00 am wakeup, so we had some time just with him opening his presents.  Turns out that was a good thing, because the poor kid didn't get a moment's peace the rest of the day.  Lauren was more into his Spider Man toys than she was her Fisher Price stuff.  Jason and I both agreed that Santa was wise to hold back on her giving this year.  Joshua loved all of his gifts, and found his favorites that he took to the safety of either the table or the island to play with where his little sister couldn't reach him!

We got to spend some afternoon time with Grandma and Grandpa, complete with Joshua modeling his superhero pajamas (all 3 pairs) that they had gotten for him and also a pretty spirited game of "Go Spidey" with Grandpa.  Lauren woke from a long nap and had a good time opening her presents from them as well.  She loved the wagon of blocks that they picked out for her, but not to build with---- she wanted to RIDE IN IT!  We had to confiscate that gift early Christmas evening after she took two tumbles out of it for refusing to give up trying to climb into it without help given that it was on wheels. 

I cooked us a Christmas feast on Christmas day that smelled and tasted really good, if I do say so myself.  We had our fancy Christmas dinner to candlelight since Joshua had made a special Christmas candle for me at preschool.  He was so proud of himself.

Sunday morning we got up and went to church.  When we returned home, it was time for another special Christmas celebration with my side of the family.  It was their first visit to the new house and we had so much fun entertaining there.  I am so pleased that we were all able to sit down together to eat supper!  Mom and Dad came prepared with all of the leftovers from their Christmas dinner and whipped up a turkey and waffle supper that was unbeatable, complete with filling balls, sweet potatoes and all of the sides you could want.  It was delicious!  I'm already looking forward to warming up the leftovers of the leftovers tonight for dinner again!  We had a ball and laughed a whole lot as the kids played games and chased each other around the house.

I am beyond grateful for all of our family- both sides- for coming to our house this year and really making our new house feel like home, with laughter and love and Christmas spirit.  We are beyond blessed.  In fact, I think my new Gaither Vocal Band CD sums it up.  "Greatly blessed, highly favored, imperfect, but forgiven Child of God".  That I am.

And now, I wait only for the delivery of my Christmas surprise......a PIANO that Jason picked out for me.  I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to start playing again.  I never was great, but I sure do enjoy playing.  I only hope that it's like riding a bike and I'll remember all of those years of lessons and be able to make something other than noise.  We think Wednesday is the delivery day and I can't wait!

Here are Lauren and Ridge opening some presents at Stacie's house on the 18th at our first family party.  I loved watching them together.  But it confirmed for me that Lauren is officially a tornado.
Joshua, asleep in the chair on Christmas Eve, dreaming about Santa!
The view on Christmas morning.

This one cracks me right up.  Lauren wearing Joshua's doctor glasses from his doctor kit.  That's the face she makes when she knows she's funny.  You just can't help but smile. 
Here are the 3 musketeers on Sunday afternoon giggling at Aunt Libby's antics.  Too bad Lauren is such a stone-face!

Joshua's puppet theater.  We had such fun playing with it on Christmas Day!
Faster than a speeding's Super Man!  He also has Spider Man and Iron Man, and he loved them.  It was a super hero Christmas for sure!

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