I get the feeling as I sit looking out the window at the mess of ice and snow that fell last night, that winter is mocking me. Just this weekend, we decided to officially embrace spring and take the snowman off of the front door and put away all of his friends who had been decorating the rest of the house. And now this. I can't say I'm heartbroken about a day to spend at home in my sweats with the kiddos, but I would love it even more if it had been a declared hooky day that we were spending at the park enjoying the sunshine and warm spring air. I know it's coming, but I can only say, "Spring......stick a nickel in it!"
If I were the artistic type, I would title this piece of photographic art "Little Girl. Big Chair." Really I was just taking a picture because I loved Lauren's pajamas. And at the rate she's growing lately, she might only wear them once before they're too small.
On Saturday night, we were so excited to get together with the Bingamans for some fun. I'm embarrassed to tell you that the last time the eight of us were together was pre-Lauren and Daphney. And if anyone's keeping track, they're now 17 months old. I did spend a small amount of time with them at the Harvest Festival parade in September. September. Ridiculous. So, we had a very fancy pizza party and got the chance to visit and enjoy the kids on Saturday evening. I had to catch a few pictures of the chaos. Since Joshua and Sydney are only 5 months apart, and the little girls only 3 weeks, we decided this was what it would be like to have two sets of twins. And then we said a prayer and thanked the Good Lord for not making that be so for either of us.
Joshua and Sydney graced us with a puppet show. Although I would use the term loosely since the puppets really only bounced around behind the "stage". At one point Sydney announced that the puppets were broken because they didn't talk. Cracked us right up. With these malfunctioning puppets, Joshua decided to break the ice by doing a few magic tricks. For his grand finale he said he would make Jeremy disappear. Sadly, he had reached the end of his magical skills because Jeremy did not go any further than the step he was sitting on for the show.

Here are the little girls doing some coloring. Daphney got one good bite of crayon, and I think that explains the look on her face. Lauren wasn't sure what to think about another little one her own size, but she warmed up pretty well and seemed to like the commotion of having 4 kids around the house. Lauren is a definite observer, but she seemed to open up about half way through the evening and played with Daphney and danced with the big kids a little bit.
Here were Joshua and Sydney playing a game of "Go Spidey"...his favorite. It boggles my mind that it seems like just yesterday that Darla and I were hauling our pregnant selves around Rolling Ridge just hoping to finish our walk before someone had to go to the bathroom. And now here we are with 4 year olds....and 1 year olds. I felt like I was in a time warp.t
Before long, just about all four of the kids were beginning to melt. It was probably a bad combination of pizza, the sugar high from the "special" Sprite we let them have since it was a special occasion, running around for 2 hours straight, the Oreo cookie dessert that we rounded out our low calorie meal with and the spirited game of Duck, Duck, Goose that ended our fun. Well that and the fact that it was 9 pm and Lauren had no nap. I bet you wish you could have been here to see it, huh? We did speed baths before a total calamity ensued and tried to get the kids into bed before they spontaneously combusted.
Sunday was a good day. We finally made it back to church after being gone for two weeks. Somehow that felt like an eternity and proves to me just how much I love our church and all of the people there. Two weeks was too long to be gone. It's a good thing we went, too, because it turns out that we were on nursery duty. I got to hold a little baby for a while, which Lauren protested to the extent that her little lungs would yell. Reinforcements were quickly called in to prevent a coup. But we had fun anyway. And yes, holding a baby made me want another one. That's an issue I'm really working hard to push from my mind these days. :o)
We spent the afternoon at home working in the kitchen to make supper for Sunday and Monday (with hopeful leftovers on Tuesday). It was a mess, but a blessing that I don't have to fight with cooking before leaving for the office for a few days this week. While all of this was going on, the kids actually curled up on the couch together and watched a movie. I was so proud of Joshua for being patient with Lauren. He let her share his blanket and was just generally a great kid all afternoon. Don't you especially love the way they both smiled nicely for me when I asked to take their picture?
I hope that, if you are home today because of the snow, you enjoy your day. I know that I am looking forward to getting done with this March nonsense. But if it has, in fact, come in like a lion, can we now get onto the going out like a lamb part?