Sunday, May 22, 2011


There is a whole lot of blog posting going on below this one, so please don't miss the three catch-up posts that I've done today.  I hope that this will be the beginning of my getting back onto a regular routine of posting just about daily.  I've missed it!!

We took FULL advantage of the first warm, sunny Saturday in a loooooooong time by taking the kids to Knoebel's yesterday afternoon and evening.  Libby and I have been talking about it for what seems like ages, and I'm so proud of all of us for actually making it happen.  Big points to Libby, Zig, my Mom and Brooke for making a long trip to be able to spend the day with us at the park.  Everyone had such a great time.  Except for one freak rain shower (although nothing surprises me anymore with the weather we've been having!), we had a beautiful day to be at the park.

This was our first attempt at a ride for both Brooke and Lauren.  Libby and I were placing bets about who was going to try to jump out of the boat first.  All of my money was on Lauren.  But we were both very pleasantly surprised by how well they both did.  Joshua is an old pro at these kiddie rides by now, but he did a great job of showing the girls what to do.

Brooke steered clear of the rides that went way up in the air like the planes.  But Joshua didn't let flying solo slow him down.  

 The Mini Whip was the serious highlight of the entire trip for them.  We squeezed them all into that tiny little car (mostly to keep Lauren from sliding right out of it) but their giggles were music to our ears.  Every time they'd whip around the corner, their grins got bigger and bigger.  Lauren summed this one up when we got her out of the car.  She said, "MORE!"

After breaking my little toe trying to get Joshua off of the fire trucks (yep, you read that right), Mom and Libby were a huge help with wrestling Lauren.  She's still a little too small to ride some of the rides, and her patience is not her strongest quality.  But between the three of us, we did OK keeping her content.  I was thrilled to see her let Nana and Libby hold her since she's usually so tough.  Hopefully, at 19 months, she's learning just how cool her Nana and Aunt Ah-La (what she calls Libby) really are!

It was tub time when we finally hit home, and after a quick snack and our tubs, everyone was ready to go to bed.  I have a feeling I say this each and every time I post about Knoebel's, but we are so lucky to have this cute little park just a short 25-30  minutes away from home.  We plan to take full advantage of its proximity this summer, so if you're heading that way, let us know!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I LOVE the picture of the kids on the whip it! Don't we have some similar picture somewhere of some cute little girls with cotton candy faces???
Glad you had such a fun time!