Monday, October 7, 2013

Another weekend....gone already!

I think Joshua hit the nail on the head this morning when he asked me why Mondays always come so quickly after Fridays.  Amen to that, my friend.
But here we Monday again. 
This was one of a very few weekend this fall that we didn't have anything scheduled.  On Saturday morning, I took the kids to the park to feed the ducks and use up some bread that was in the bread box that really had gone past its prime.  The ducks didn't seem to mind.  I am pleased to report that, on this trip, I managed to keep Joshua out of the water.  I counted it a victory. 


The kids greatly enjoyed some time on the playground as well.  I believe Mara has officially reached the age where she is a real hazard at the park--- absolutely no regard or appreciation for things that could hurt her, mixed with a sense of wonder and curiosity that could easily get her killed.  Luckily for me, the bigger two are pretty self sufficient.  And the park crowd on this particular Saturday morning was surprisingly light considering the fact that it was absolutely beautiful for a Saturday in October.  But hey-- we'll take it.  This left me with mostly all of my attention to focus on keeping Mara in one piece.

Sunday morning after a slow start (aka. we skipped Sunday School because I couldn't get out of bed) we got ready and headed to church.  I quite enjoyed giggling with the kids while we took a picture of all four of us.  You can thank me now for not showing you the 12 other attempts we made that all showed Mara picking her nose...her latest fascination.  You're welcome.

We were all interested in a steak for supper on Sunday, and so we invited Grandma and Grandpa down for supper to celebrate Grandma's birthday a bit early this week.  The kids loved getting to see them both, and we all enjoyed the delicious steak.  I'll tell you-- Jason makes the most amazing steak I have EVER tasted on his Traeger grill.  Unreal.

The kids requested Oreo dessert for supper, which was a huge hit as always.  I think Mara got into it the most, though.  See Exhibit 1 below.

And, just like that, it's Monday.  It really does go too quickly from Friday to Monday!  I guess we'll start looking forward to Friday again!!

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