I believe we can officially say I have a streak running here. Look how many blog posts in a row there have been this week.
There wasn't much of tremendous excitement to report yesterday, unless of course you count the fact that I got absolutely drenched while also running like a fool through the parking lot to my car yesterday morning on the way to get Lauren picked up at school. The poor girl has been literally begging me for weeks to PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE have me pick her up at school and bring her back to the office with me. And so yesterday, since my schedule here at the office allowed for a "visitor", we did it. So you can imagine my delight when the flood of rain started falling at the exact moment that I needed to leave to pick up my darling daughter at school. And the best part....my umbrella was sitting happily on the front seat of the van. I did what anyone in my situation would have done. I grabbed a garbage bag from the office, threw it over my head, and screamed like a little girl as I ran through the heaviest rain I have seen in quite some time.
The good news is that Lauren and I had a delightful time at the office for the remainder of the day. She gave me her opinion on every single thing I tried to do, helped me put stamps on envelopes, shredded a few things, and then we had Subway. She also had a chocolate milkshake from McDonalds to go with her sandwich, but I did not indulge in that department because of the 94 Weight Watchers points that would have cost me. And since I saw the scale move in the right direction for the first time in a loooooong time last Friday morning, I am trying to keep up with the motivation and hope for another good weigh in on Friday morning. Just before I completely ruin it at PSU Homecoming on Saturday. But I have to draw the line somewhere.
The project with the deck continues to move along. It's been kind of funny seeing no deck when we look out our kitchen window. Last week, the concrete was poured for the pad that the hot tub sits on, and then on Friday, the hot tub was delivered and plopped onto its new home. The only frustrating part was that it was full, hot and ready to be awesome on Friday evening, but there was no deck around it to make it usable. So we just had to stare at it longingly from the kitchen window. But I will say, it's going to be fantastic.
Yesterday, all of the actual decking materials were dropped into our back yard, and the guys worked feverishly to accomplish the littlest bit of something before the skies opened up. They managed to frame a small bit of the new part of the deck before the rain drops chased them away.

These pictures are acting awfully strange, but the top picture is the actual view out of our kitchen window this morning before I left for the office. The one below that is the view from the street right now- with the new part of the deck starting to take shape. I hear that they are making good progress today, but I guess we'll have to wait to see what that means when I get home after work today. I'm hoping it's the visible kind of progress. Or something that is going to get me closer and closer to that lounge seat in the hot tub with all of the jets that I saw this weekend!
All else is well at the time of this report. Well, sort of. The second round of back to school crud has officially hit the children and Jason. And every once in a while I get a twinge of a feeling that I might soon be hit too. When that feeling strikes, I pop a Vitamin C (or 3) and hope for the best. I've resigned myself to the fact that even with all the hand washing and vitamins and fruit and veggie eating in the world, this is pretty much going to be the hamster wheel we are on from now until spring, so we're just gritting our teeth and digging in, providing some extra snuggles and understanding when the kids are feeling less than chipper. Poor things.
I wonder what I can come up with tomorrow for a post. Have to keep the streak alive!
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