Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Before school...

Mornings could not be described as calm and peaceful around here. Quite the opposite actually. Some days I feel like I have worked a full day before I ever make  it to the office as I chug through the morning to do list each day. 

But today...well, today we're running ahead of schedule by at least a few minutes, and that is allowing Mara and I some time before the rush to get her to Nursery School. And so, as I enjoy my coffee and breakfast, she is showing me how she likes to fix her beloved Baby Alive's hair, using every single tool on her hair-doing kit.  There is nothing this little girl loves more than her babies--- and Baby Alive in all her varieties seems her latest obsession. I hope Santa's elves are making lots of then before Christmas because I have a feeling I know what she will be requesting. 

Not all of our mornings are like this. In fact, despite my efforts, most are not but for today, I am grateful for a little non-stressed time with my little sweetheart.  Just the two of us. Well...theee, if you count Baby Alive. 

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