Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Weekend Fun

We were SOOOO ready for a long weekend!  The kids and I packed up and headed for Lewistown on Saturday morning.  Daddy stayed home to spend some time on the golf course and do a whole bunch of work at the house that never seems to be easy to get done with two extra little "helpers" (and trust me when I say we use the term loosely).  We arrived at Nana and Pap's house before lunchtime and spent nearly every moment of our trip outside.  We've been so anxious for nice weather, although I have to say that this immediate jump from cool, wet and rainy to 100 degrees was a bit drastic, but I'm not complaining.

Lauren's big accomplishment this weekend was learning how to "drive" the Gator.  I almost find it hard to believe that Joshua was this same age when he learned how to drive it, but you could search the blog for sometime around May 2008 and see pictures of an 18 month old Joshua driving in circles in the Gator.  His sister was not to be outdone.  She was a bit reckless, but I am happy to report that there were no insurance claims filed this morning for collision by toddler over the weekend (although there were many close calls).  The Gator became our biggest source of arguments this weekend as there are only 2 seats, so there is always one munchkin left out.  And, given the fact that none of our children are what we could honestly classify as "easy going", none of them took kindly to being the passenger either.  I was super proud of Joshua, though, because with just a little coaxing he would defer to Brooke and Lauren for a ride.  I'm not sure he loved the idea, but he complied, and really that's all we ask.

Sunday morning we got up and went to church (where I spent the majority of the time in the nursery with Lauren), but as soon as we got home, we ate lunch quickly and then ended up outside yet again.  Big VIP points to Uncle Zig for picking up the 100 SPF for the fair skinned Dugans in the crowd.  I had left my stash at home and feel certain we'd have amassed third degree burns if it hadn't been for the frequent application of sunscreen.  Libby and Zig brought their large blow up pool to Mom and Dad's and set it up for the kids to splash in.  They all had a ball!

Lauren snoozed in the car for a few extra minutes after our quick run to pick up more shorts and bathing suits for the kids.  (I hadn't exactly anticipated just how HOT it was going to be when I packed the bags before leaving home.  Thank goodness for JCPenney!)  She was parked in the shade with all of the doors open, but awoke to the squeals and shrieks of Brooke and Joshua before too much time passed. 

It didn't take her long to get in on the action, though.  She loved the water!  I already think it's going to be fun to plan some afternoon swimming trips with each of the kids individually.  Joshua and I had such fun last year when we went, and I can already tell that Lauren is going to be more daring than her brother when it comes to the water.  Check out those curls on her head, too!  When it's warm or humid, her hair goes to all over curls!  I love it!

Nana and Pap cooked up a fantastic picnic for us that evening, and Pappy Ray and Pappy Fred and Freda came over to eat with us.  All of the playing had clearly worked up an appetite for Lauren, because before Pap even pulled the hamburgers and hot dogs off the grill, she climbed up to the table and said "EAT!"
After the pool water was emptied, the kids seemed to gravitate toward the dirt pile and played there for quite some time.  And let me say that it was evident in the tub water that evening, as well as by looking at their fingernails!  I have been cleaning dirt out from under those nails since we got home!  But, I believe it's safe to say that they had a fantastic time.

We returned home late yesterday morning, although through tears from Joshua because he really wanted to stay at Nana and Pap's longer.  He told me that 5 nights would be sufficient, but I'm thinking he would feel the same way about leaving to come home.  I love that they have such a great time, but it breaks my heart every time we have to pack up and I see them get upset.  We spent the afternoon yesterday while Lauren napped, helping Jason finish up his outside work pulling weeds and cleaning up the landscaping around the house.

It was a full weekend, but a great one!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Lately, we've spent a lot of time pretending to be Superheroes.  Between store bought and self made costumes, and the good old-fashioned "use your imaginination" costumes, I think we can pretty much act out any Superhero scene you can imagine.  In case you wondered, the picture above is Joshua being Thor.  He and Grandma made his wing hat, his cape was a Christmas present that is used by one of the children every waking minute of the day, and the hammer belongs to one of Lauren's pounding toys.

Lately, we've been spending a lot of time outside when it isn't raining.  We're loving meeting our new neighbors and getting to know them a little better.  We're really looking forward to some summer evenings spent enjoying the deck while the kids run in the yard.

Lately, we've been very caught up in our own little comedian ... Lauren.  It's customary to find her without any clothes on after supper time, and despite any effort to reason with her, it's no use.  As you can see below, though, even if you're naked, it never hurts to have a set of Tiffany's silver beads to dress up the ensemble.

You can see a little bit in this picture how her hair is finally starting to grow.  When she's hot or it's humid outside, it lays in curls, which I can't keep my hands off of. 

Lately, we've been making some big plans at our house.  Unexpected blessings abound, and we are so grateful.  We've been busy lately, but not too busy to enjoy every moment of our little family.

Picture overload expected from our weekend trip to Nana and Pap's.  Joshua has been counting down ever since I mentioned we were going to be headed there on Saturday, so I sure hope they're ready for him!  

Monday, May 23, 2011

So blessed...

I know that I say it a lot, but I am so very blessed.  But yesterday was one of those days where it was just so apparent that it can't be denied.  Yesterday, instead of attending church as I normally do each week, I had the opportunity to participate in our church's second annual "Be The Church" Sunday.  Volunteers from the church were out in the community, living out our faith in real actions that made a difference to others, showing them God's love through us.

I volunteered to go to the local grocery store and be a part of a mystery shoppers program where donated gift cards were handed out to shoppers who looked like they could use a little help with their bill.  What I thought would be an easy job turned out to be quite challenging, but as we prayed for the right people to come across our path, God certainly provided.  We were able to help a family with a baby in the hospital in Philadelphia who is working just to make ends meet.  We helped a woman is who caring for her grandson with special needs, desperately trying to keep her head above water.  There were so many others- about 20 gift cards in all, many who cried tears of gratitude on their way out of the store.  Some who were so shocked they didn't know what to do or say.

The best part about all of this is that it was totally anonymous.  We were working directly with the cashiers at the store to get the cards to them to be used with their orders without them knowing where it came from.  It wasn't about our church, but only to bless others in a way that meant something to them. 

As it turned out, I think we were just as blessed as any of the families we might have surprised with a little relief at the time of checkout.

After the morning was over, I jumped in the car and went home to spend the afternoon with Joshua and Lauren while Jason enjoyed some golfing time.  I was immediate struck by how unbelievably blessed I am- to have a nice home to live in, to have two healthy kids, to have never worried for a single second about how I would be able to afford to feed them.  I am so thankful, and so humbled by the Lord's provision in my life.

What a day!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


There is a whole lot of blog posting going on below this one, so please don't miss the three catch-up posts that I've done today.  I hope that this will be the beginning of my getting back onto a regular routine of posting just about daily.  I've missed it!!

We took FULL advantage of the first warm, sunny Saturday in a loooooooong time by taking the kids to Knoebel's yesterday afternoon and evening.  Libby and I have been talking about it for what seems like ages, and I'm so proud of all of us for actually making it happen.  Big points to Libby, Zig, my Mom and Brooke for making a long trip to be able to spend the day with us at the park.  Everyone had such a great time.  Except for one freak rain shower (although nothing surprises me anymore with the weather we've been having!), we had a beautiful day to be at the park.

This was our first attempt at a ride for both Brooke and Lauren.  Libby and I were placing bets about who was going to try to jump out of the boat first.  All of my money was on Lauren.  But we were both very pleasantly surprised by how well they both did.  Joshua is an old pro at these kiddie rides by now, but he did a great job of showing the girls what to do.

Brooke steered clear of the rides that went way up in the air like the planes.  But Joshua didn't let flying solo slow him down.  

 The Mini Whip was the serious highlight of the entire trip for them.  We squeezed them all into that tiny little car (mostly to keep Lauren from sliding right out of it) but their giggles were music to our ears.  Every time they'd whip around the corner, their grins got bigger and bigger.  Lauren summed this one up when we got her out of the car.  She said, "MORE!"

After breaking my little toe trying to get Joshua off of the fire trucks (yep, you read that right), Mom and Libby were a huge help with wrestling Lauren.  She's still a little too small to ride some of the rides, and her patience is not her strongest quality.  But between the three of us, we did OK keeping her content.  I was thrilled to see her let Nana and Libby hold her since she's usually so tough.  Hopefully, at 19 months, she's learning just how cool her Nana and Aunt Ah-La (what she calls Libby) really are!

It was tub time when we finally hit home, and after a quick snack and our tubs, everyone was ready to go to bed.  I have a feeling I say this each and every time I post about Knoebel's, but we are so lucky to have this cute little park just a short 25-30  minutes away from home.  We plan to take full advantage of its proximity this summer, so if you're heading that way, let us know!

End of the Year Preschool Program

 Thursday night, May 19th, marked the official end of the school year for Joshua this year.  That evening, all of the preschool classes got together to perform a special program for all of their parents and grandparents at the school.  To say it was adorable was quite an understatement.

 Here he is, on stage, doing his sign language motions to Jesus Loves Me.  The impressive part was that Mrs. Deitrick also taught them how to sing it in Spanish too.  And with the theme "Around the World", it was perfect.
Joshua did all of the motions and sang his little heart out the whole time.  We were so proud of him.

At the end of their section of the program, Joshua got to stand with Mrs Deitrick and Mr. Baughman on stage to get his diploma for having completed the year in K4.  He was so proud of himself, but not half as proud as we were.

I'm sorry to report that Lauren was an absolute disaster the whole evening.  Sadly, when Joshua's name was called to come get his diploma, I was out in the hall trying to get her to stop crying.  I blame it partially on the ear infection that was brewing (confirmed the next day at the doctor's office) and partially on the hour of the program.  We really can't count on doing anything with her after 6:00 pm that requires her to sit still or stay in one place for longer than a minute or two.  So, I'm taking applications for babysitters for next year's program!

Field Day Fun

I'm attempting to catch up a little bit.  And there's lots of catching up to do thanks to my little blogging hiatus.

On May 13th, Jason and I were lucky enough to accompany our little K4 man to his annual field day at school.  There's no way to really depict what this day entails, other than the fact that it is a total free for all with 100+ 3, 4 and 5 year olds running about everywhere.  The gym and the outside of the school are set up in stations that the kids rotate between in their little groups.  It is is safe to say that Joshua had a blast and it appeared that the other children did as well.  Here are some of our favorite pictures from the day.

The kids in Joshua's group challenged Mr. Baughman (the principal) to a potato sack race.  There was a lot of giggling and a lot of falling down, but I think everyone, including Mr. Baughman had a good time.

Here is Joshua with his friend Spencer.  If I was more technically adept, I would link back to a similar picture that we took of the two boys last year.  Something tells me they would appear more grown up.  And really, who needs to be reminded of that, right?  Please don't miss their painted faces, especially because the artwork was courtesy of moi.  I am limited in my face painting skills (as I am in so many other things as well that motherhood seems to highlight), and the whole time we were painting their little cheeks, the other moms and I kept wondering why there weren't a few high school girls who had been suckered into being the face painters for the morning!

After all of the running and jumping and throwing and baseball batting were complete for the morning's activities, it was time for the family picnic.  Each family laid a blanket on the floor in the lobby and one of the high school grades cooked a hotdog lunch for us.  After scouring the food line and reading labels, we determined that Joshua was OK to eat with the others, although there were peanut butter cookies in too close proximity for my liking, but after a little discussion with the servers about making sure their gloved cookie hands didn't make it into the chip bowl, I said a prayer and went with the flow.  After lunch, all of the kids got medals for their sportsmanship and effort, and I think you might notice a very proud little guy...

After lunch, we presented Mrs. Deitrick with her end of the year gift- a scrapbook with a page made by each of the kids to say thank you to her for a wonderful year.  As she was looking through the book, I thought it was totally appropriate that all of the kids gathered around her.  I swear (except that I try not to) that Mrs. Deitrick is like the pied piper with 4 year olds.  They flock to her and she has such a special way with them.  It's been a wonderful school year for Joshua, and since we've made the decision to keep him in K4 another year next year to let him catch up in age with the rest of the kids, we're thrilled that he'll get to be in her class again.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mother's Day

I've been horribly absent from blogging in recent weeks.  And there's no good excuse.  But it's time to get back on track, especially with a whole lot of exciting things going on here lately.

I'm sorry to say that it took us until after tub time when these two little munchkins were all cleaned up and in their pajamas until we got our annual Mother's Day photo this year.  But I had a very special Mother's Day- complete with church, a visit from Nana and Pap that the kids loved, and a whole bunch of love from the kids.  Joshua was especially sweet, hiding his special Mother's Day present that he worked on at school under his bed from Friday until Sunday morning.  He only told me about it 200 times between Friday and Sunday morning, but insisted that we keep it a secret.  He did proudly remember on his own on Sunday morning to bring it to me when he woke up. 

Suffice it to say that, although I have a full time job, there is no responsibility I have ever had that I love more than being Mommy to these two precious kids.  But I know I'm not alone in feeling that way.  Every Mom I've ever met feels exactly the same way.  And that, my friends, is the beauty of Motherhood.

Happy Mother's Day everyone.