I started out on Friday with a to-do list that was officially 2 miles long. I was, in fact, so overwhelmed by it that I left the office early on Friday to tackle some of the items on the list. The critical piece was to get Joshua a haircut. We'd been working on that for literally 2 weeks, and everytime we'd get in the car and take him to the barber shop, they were closed. My ragamuffin son was in desperate need of some trimming, to the point where I considered doing it myself. Except that I remembered the time that Jason attempted to give Watson a touch-up cut and it didn't turn out well. At all. If we can't handle animals, I was pretty sure we needed to draw the line before we touched our son. He looks decidedly better now.
The list included so many varied things. Really, I think I should post one of these lists here sometime. We could all have quite a time comparing our weekend job lists to one another's. But mine included everything from cleaning the house (that's about 8 lines of the list), stripping beds and doing the laundry, to starting the toy removal process to make room for things like bouncy seats and swings, to cleaning out Joshua's snack cupboard, making cupcakes for Joshua to take to the birthday party we were attending on Saturday evening so he could participate in the cake time, using up a few very ripe bananas and making banana bread, to digging through Joshua's newborn clothes downstairs to find his side snap undershirts to reuse for the baby. I did not successfully cross off the part of the list that required me to measure Joshua for his Halloween costume so that I can order that. Nor did I do the baby's laundry so that things are ready for use. I had to draw the line somewhere. But I did cook a relatively involved dinner on Friday night as well as get our dinner for tonight pre-cooked so that it could be thrown in the crock pot for this evening. I was like a woman on crack, I swear it.
Joshua boycotted naps on both Saturday and Sunday, which I'm starting to just get used to. Frankly, it's paying off in good nights of sleep for him and an easy time getting him to sleep at night. By that time of the day, I'm just about out of steam, so it's been a blessing. And when he's this happy to see us in the morning, he's apparently getting enough rest.
During this "awake" time yesterday afternoon, I decided that we should take a run to the mall. I was in search of an "I'm A Big Brother" book, which was not to be found anywhere at Borders. We did find a few other very cute books that we've been enjoying. It's been a long time since we updated Joshua's book collection, and he seemed to enjoy picking out a few new ones. Our favorite so far has been "Llama Llama Misses Mama". Given the intense separation anxiety we've been dealing with in recent weeks, I thought this might be a good idea. I could see his little wheels turning this morning as we read it three different times before I left for work. I have a theory on this issue, and maybe that's information for a different post when I'm feeling a bit more Dr. Phil-esque, but I think I'm on to something.
Pay no attention to the purple outfit I fell in love with for......less than $10! It was the little miniature white and pink socks I located that made me feel like I won the lottery. I only have 4 pairs of small socks, but at least it's something. Now I just have to scour the other Gaps to see if I can find some more! Neither Joshua nor Jason found the sheer amazement I did in my sock treasures. Clearly you can tell how happy I was if I took a picture of it to share here. Sometimes I scare myself.
And so the week begins. We're gearing up for a big trip to Lewistown this weekend for a Penn State game (please pray for cool weather and an empty seat next to me for some extra room...wouldn't that be a miracle?) and then the all-important first birthday bash for Brooke. We cannot wait.