We can only hope that Joshua remains this enthusiastic about yardwork when he's big enough to do it on his own. In the meantime, it's a precious look at a little boy longing to be just like his Daddy. This lawn mowing ritual has become a bit of a spectacle in our neighborhood. Jason said that last evening, before I came outside, our back door neighbor actually went in, got his wife to come and watch the two of them mowing the lawn, and took pictures of them. Many neighbors have stopped to talk to us about how sweet it is that Joshua loves to help. And we all know that Mr. Fernandez and Mr. Spagnoletti LOVE Joshua's assistance when they cut their lawns. If his enthusiasm remains, this could be a lucrative summer employment opportunity for Joshua down the road.
Cherishing the little, magical moments of motherhood. Sharing my thankfulness for the blessings God has granted to me.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Hard at work...
We can only hope that Joshua remains this enthusiastic about yardwork when he's big enough to do it on his own. In the meantime, it's a precious look at a little boy longing to be just like his Daddy. This lawn mowing ritual has become a bit of a spectacle in our neighborhood. Jason said that last evening, before I came outside, our back door neighbor actually went in, got his wife to come and watch the two of them mowing the lawn, and took pictures of them. Many neighbors have stopped to talk to us about how sweet it is that Joshua loves to help. And we all know that Mr. Fernandez and Mr. Spagnoletti LOVE Joshua's assistance when they cut their lawns. If his enthusiasm remains, this could be a lucrative summer employment opportunity for Joshua down the road.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Almost too much to put into one post...
What a weekend it was! Lots more excitement coming this week...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I need to share that it appears our son is going to be forever difficult to clothe. After three different attempts at shorts that I was sure I had shrunken enough to stay up on his nonexistent hips, I finally found a pair that fit. I am sorry to tell you that they are size 18 months and from the "last summer" drawer. On the top half of him is a new shirt (which you can see above) that I got from the Children's Place $5.99 sale (love that sale for little boys clothes...girls, not so much) in size 3T. Now what in the world is going on here?
I believe Joshua's metabolism is on speed. Or maybe it's just that he never sits still long enough for any caloric intake to turn into anything besides fuel that he burns off. (I'm thinking I should try his "diet plan" although just watching him is enough to play me out.) Whatever it is, I have to say that I'm starting to get concerned and I will bet you dollars to donuts (I just totally used a phrase coined by my mother, for the record) that I get a lecture about his lack of weight gain when we go for his 3 year checkup in October. By our scales, Josh is weighing in at the same 27.5 pounds that he did this PAST October, which was the last time he was to the doctors. I'm sorry to tell you that he was not clothed at that visit, and he has been clothed every time I put him on our scales at home. (And since I'm in confession mode, I usually weigh him when his diaper is wet because I appreciate that extra half pound in our favor.)
What's a mom to do? I honestly have zero experience in putting on weight on purpose, since all of my life since I was......oh.......six years old has been spent working like a maniac to take it OFF. We do lots of high calorie, but still nutritious foods, but without success. I suggest ice cream frequently as a treat, but Joshua prefers fruit and fruit snacks and the occasional cookie (although he'll only eat one or two). Whose child is this?
And so, disproportionate he will be, at least for now. I record this now so that when he's 14, in the throes of adolescence and eating us out of house and home, I'll have this moment to reflect upon in disbelief. At least I hope so.
In other news, I have evidence that my reconnection with the old Megan was only temporary. Yesterday, the highly anticipated nursery decor for our baby girl arrived. I was thrilled to find out that the adorable ladybug bedding that I fell in love with online was even more precious and perfect in real life. (Sorry Darla.....too cheap to do Pottery Barn......couldn't bring myself to type in the credit card number.) The OLD Megan, pre-Mommy, would have rushed home, wolfed down dinner and began to assemble all of the stuff and get it ready. At the very least, I would have put it in the washer to freshen it up and make it mine for good.
Instead, I showed it to Judy and Jason and then asked Jason to carry it up to the spare bedroom (where all things go that I simply can't figure out when I'm going to handle them) until I can figure out when to get to it.
For now, I guess I'll stare at it through the plastic bag it's in and admire it from afar. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we'll be ready to make the big switch into the new room for Joshua and then can work on reassembling the crib and get it all set for our little lady to arrive. I find it amazingly hard to believe how quickly this pregnancy is flying by. 25 weeks already. Before long, we'll be getting ready to lay another little baby into that crib and marvel at the miracle of it all. Notice how I skip over the "give birth to the baby" part of it? The, "holy cow that c-section incision smarts when you have to get up from laying in bed"......yikes. Nice, huh?
I'll be sure to share some pictures of what we selected once it's presentable. For now, showing you the big plastic case full of red and white gingham wouldn't have nearly the same effect. But it's really cute....I promise.
And just because I find this funny, anyone who is wishing to come and visit us after we're home from the hospital should be warned. Just yesterday, I put the first of such visits on the calendar for October 28th. Seriously.
It just so happens that Sue has a class in State College to attend and thought about combining that with a visit to meet the newest Dugan, so we scheduled it. I find it funny because I'm going to be doing a whole lot of nothing.......besides caring for a newborn and helping a 3 year old adjust to becoming a big brother........yet we ironed out the date before anything else came up. I told Sue I thought she had that one just about right. If she's going to make the trek across 80 from Erie, she might as well wait until it's likely that I've had a shower, and there's a good likelihood that I may have makeup on my face. I might even be wearing something besides sweatpants.
I have a feeling our visitation schedule will be far lighter than it was with Joshua and I'm honestly looking forward to that part of it all. There's nothing better than sharing a new baby with people that you love. I just thought it was funny. Maybe you did too.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
It was a bit like an out of body experience...
I had an opportunity to actually TALK to my husband in longer than 17 second bursts of time during which Joshua is thinking of the next question to ask us. 3 1/2 hours in the car listening to music and not hearing "But whyyyyyyy?" nearly had my head spinning.
In the span of three days, I read TWO books (and they weren't by Dr. Seuss) from cover to cover. Shocking, I know. I would highly highly recommend "The Middle Place" by Kelly Corrigan, especially if you love your Dad to the ends of the Earth like I do and also have children. It talks about what it's like to be someone's mom, but still have the connection of being someone's daughter at the same time. Loved it. Could not put it down. Might actually start reading it again.
I sat in the sun. For 3 hours. Yes, I do have third degree burns. The whiteness of this skin does not often see sunshine, as it is mostly covered in pants and nylons for the working, sunshiny hours of the summer days. I think it was worth it.....especially if you read the last part about reading TWO WHOLE BOOKS again. My husband sat at the swim up bar at the pool drinking Corona for the better part of 2 hours. My father is so proud of him.
We ate hot dinners--- two nights in a row. And we talked. Seriously, how great does this get?
We had some pretty fantastic massages at the spa. I forgot how much I loved prenatal massage and think I may now treat myself to one a bit more frequently until our little girl comes to meet the world. We all know it's over after that for a while until I get my feet underneath me again.....in 3 years.
We took a road trip detour (thank you very much, Garmin) to see the Flight 93 memorial in Somerset County. Very surreal, but I'm glad we saw it. Now there's something you wouldn't do with a 2 year old.
Despite all of this, the best part of the trip was walking in the door to that smiling little boy, who still had shampoo in his hair from the previous night because he apparently wouldn't let Nana rinse it out. Whatever......he looked perfect to me. And the hug......now THAT was worth going away for. You just don't get the same hugs when you're with them all the time that you do when they're happy to see you return.
I'll work on some pictures of Joshua this morning when he wakes up. He's extra tired today because we had some landscapers here last evening giving us a quote on a project. You can imagine how hard he worked to be a part of that conversation. Add to that that our next door neighbor was mowing his grass and you've got yourself one exhausted little lawn mower/landscaper extraordinaire. Goodness, I love him.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Fun Pictures...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Joshua and Mom Hit the Road (Again)...

And...what would a trip to Nana and Pap's be without some State Farm, too big for Joshua's head hat pictures on his gator?

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Alert the media......I think we have a name!
Joshua got to choose the name, and he very proudly told the world last evening while on a walk with Darla and Sydney. Evidently he doesn't understand that we usually keep things like names a secret in our family. You know, just to drive Aunt Libby ballistic.
But, while swinging on the swing, I asked Joshua what we should name his baby sister. And he said....
"Flower Garden Picker"
Go ahead and let that one sink in for a moment. It's a doozie, I know.
Flower Garden Picker Dugan. It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
So there you have it folks. I believe it's settled.
Except that it's SO not.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Rock On!

You know, so much that he'd strip down, put his socks on his hands and play with this much passion?
Neither have I.
And yes, he did really strip all of his clothes off on his own (I was impressed with how far his undressing skills have come in the last couple of months....through my giggles) and go to get his guitar because there was one on TV. We're still not sure why this particular guitar solo required him to be sans clothes, but he assured me later when we talked about it that it was necessary. I didn't argue.
In other news (and I seriously almost called CNN about this)...Joshua crossed over yesterday morning at church and went to KIDS CHURCH ALL BY HIMSELF. And by all by himself, I mean, I walked him back there, told him I was leaving to go back to big church and that I'd be back for him in a little while. He said, "OK Mommy", went to sit on his carpet square with Miss Sarah and didn't fuss even for an instant. I nearly cried myself being so proud of him.
Church was exceptionally long (and by that I mean he was with the kids from about 10:35 until 12:15 when church finished....there was MUCH special music and communion, as well as all of the other normal things). I thought for sure I'd find him a blubbering mess when it was all over. He was a mess all right, but he was covered in bubble solution from a bubble lesson they had done. I also hear that he painted, but it was too wet to bring home.
Joshua was super excited because Pastor Jamie was back this week from his honeymoon. I wish I could convey to you how beside himself he's been for the past two weeks that Pastor Jamie hasn't been in church. He kept asking where he was and what he was doing, so I explained that he had gotten married and was on a special trip. Well, wouldn't you know, when we were shaking hands to leave church (after I washed the bubbles off of him....nice of me, huh?) he says to the Pastor and his new wife, "So, Pastor Jamie, how was your trip?" I thought the pastor would crack up (his wife did). He explained that they were on a big airplane and a big boat trip to see some fish. Joshua was impressed and asked about 87 more questions before we decided to move on and allow the nice people behind us to actually leave church.
It was a big day all around.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Ultrasound Pictures

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Positive Reinforcement
Have I mentioned before that I have no shame in using bribery as a parenting technique? Oh sure, before I had Joshua I had those idealistic theories about how it was going to go. But let's be honest, how many of those actually hold true when you get into the nitty gritty of toddlerhood? One thing I've learned for sure is that if you catch your kids doing something right, it sure is a lot more fun to reward that than to constantly focus on the negative. Sure, we do plenty of that. Say "steps" in our house and you get nearly immediate compliance from Joshua. He's spent many a minute there being punished for disobedience. But I'm also realizing that the positive reinforcement (some may choose to call it bribery) goes a long way.
So, yesterday was a pretty good day...when you look at it on the whole. There were no full scale temper tantrums. No tears when we left the playground with Brooke. No screaming or kicking when Joshua and Jason came in for supper. There were a few "no" spells, which I don't prefer, but he's 2. "No" is the most common word spoken by 2 year old small people, at least I've heard so from parents of such munchkins. We work on it, but the fact that it didn't lead to all out hysterics or step sitting was a major victory. Joshua played nicely with Brooke. He helped me to pick up his toys. He ate his lunch without a fight, and ate a pretty stinking good dinner with a little help and encouragement from us. In my mind, all of that added up to warranting a treat.
So off to Rita's we went. All the way there we talked about why he had earned a special treat that day. He could repeat back to me that he had been a good boy. He had helped Mommy. He took a good nap. He ate a good lunch. Etc. He got it. Which made the smile on his face as he enjoyed 3/4 of his grape ice from Rita's all the sweeter for me.
It may also have helped that I had a very yummy lemon Misto shake that made me and the baby quite happy. This little munchkin that I carry around with me appreciated my choice of reward too. Glad I could oblige.
So maybe that's why, at 8:15 this morning, Joshua still looked like THIS! He was hoping for another trip to Rita's. And if he wants to sleep that well, I'll gladly take him as often as he likes.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Our Day with Aunt Libby & Brooke

I think Libby and I have been looking forward to our day together yesterday for an awfully long time. For all of the time that she's been off enjoying Brooke, we haven't been able to coordinate our calendars until yesterday. So Brooke and Libby made their maiden voyage to our house for a special day together. To say Joshua was excited was quite an understatement.
Hopefully we'll be able to do this again prior to Libby's return back to school. I so enjoyed getting to spend some time with Brooke (and Lib too!). It's times like that that I hate being an hour away from my family---- it takes a lot of planning to get together, but it also makes it special and oh so worth it when we make it all happen.
"Daddy, which one's the thumb?"
We were sitting down to dinner...a gourmet offering of Subway that I slaved over all afternoon. (Give me a break on this one, OK? We had music class until 6 and bellies were rumbling on the way home. No time for real cooking!) Jason and Joshua have taken to playing games a bit while eating. Frankly, it keeps Joshua interested in eating....which is generally the LAST thing he wants to do when we're sitting at the table for a meal. Jason was trying to coax Joshua to eat his hoagie just like Daddy did, so they'd each try to take a bite at the same time.
At one point, Jason gave Joshua the thumbs up sign, and Joshua tried to copy. Except the finger that shot up wasn't his thumb. You guessed it---- the middle one was the one he was flashing to Daddy as the thumbs up. When we started to giggle, Joshua quickly said, "Daddy, whicih one's the thumb?" At which point we lost it.
So there you go Mom. How's that?
Monday, June 1, 2009
A Job Well Done...(if I do say so myself)

In unrelated news, today marks the six year anniversary of my becoming a State Farm Agent. That's almost impossible to believe. But, June 1, 2003 was my first day in my office, and there began a wonderful stage of my life. At the time, Jason and I were dating, and we spent our evenings travelling to each other. So I'd work all day, then hop in the car to get to Harrisburg, only to return at about 5:00 am the next morning. Several days each week, he'd also make the trip to see me. It wasn't long until we realized that it was pretty silly to be living this way and the plans were put into motion for him to move to Lewisburg as well. I feel blessed to LOVE my job.....love it. I also feel blessed to have the freedom that I do. And as guilty as I sometimes feel about not being with Joshua all the time, I also know that if I'm feeling that way, I can just pick a day to spend with him. I've been blessed with an amazing opportunity- to do good things for people and be rewarded by a pretty fantastic company. Six years might turn into 45 in a hurry at this pace. But that's fine with me.
Music class is tonight at 5:30 to begin the summer session. I know a little boy who is pretty excited about that. He happens to be snoring at the moment, but I'll place any money on him asking about it first thing when he awakes.....or maybe second, after Knoebel's.